


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2008
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We got laid-off on friday do to our tranny plant in India (Ford tranny plant)not shipping trannys.This will also effect Toyota,Hyundi and not sure who else.I,ll be off till further notice.Kinda sucks just before Christmas.Guess I,ll be starting the minitub on the 66 Dart earlier than expected!
Hang In There. I Know It Sucks. I Was Laid Off At The Beginning Of The Year And It Took Me 6 Months To Find Another Job.
Sorry to hear the bad news.

So now not only are our jobs going to India and the far east, they can now affect what little jobs we have left here. Just *bleeping* wonderful. Here's to you, India. :thebirdm:

Sorry to read that pettybludart ,you likly need a holiday anyway.Good luck and remember we are here for ya.
Construction Super- laid off since last December; nothing in sight.
But my 70 Duster might finally get off the jack stands, which it has been on since 1987.
Hang in there, the dems will lose in 2010.
Hang In There. I Know It Sucks. I Was Laid Off At The Beginning Of The Year And It Took Me 6 Months To Find Another Job.
This won,t be indefinite,we have 2500 employees(Ford Plant in Oakville,Ontario)it could be 1 week,maybe 3.We,ll see.
I have been out of work since the 1st week of March 2009. Prospects looking bleak as of now, thank God for Unemployment.But it has been tough, I thought about selling the Mopar but it was a moment of insanity,I'll never get back what I have put into it. I feel your pain man.
We got laid-off on friday do to our tranny plant in India (Ford tranny plant)not shipping trannys.This will also effect Toyota,Hyundi and not sure who else.I,ll be off till further notice.Kinda sucks just before Christmas.Guess I,ll be starting the minitub on the 66 Dart earlier than expected!
Sorry to here this for ya bud, But hopefully it is just a couple weeks of time for you to spend with that great 66 you have been busy on.
I hope all is well at home and keep us updated on your days away from work.

Your Arkansas friend Mike
Like my wife says " Everything happens for a reason"

Sorry to hear that pettybludart. Keep your chin up.
Damn, that sucks pettyblue. Hopefully it's only a temporary deal and you can get back to work ASAP.
I know the feeling ive been off since Aug. and still havent found a shitty job and unemployment is such a waste of time....
Sorry to hear that. It is tough all over, but hopefully you will go back to work soon. I have been off for a year now and it still doesn't look good here.. almost all of my co workers in the warehouse I worked with are off still too...
Thanks all,hopefully won,t be long.The funny thing is our new plant manager had asked all workers to come in for production on Oct.24/09 to pickup for lost production.We,ve been working 10hr shifts on days and 12hr shifts on afternoons,right up til monday morn. when they cut back to 8 hr shifts.Then friday morn. told us we,r laidoff do to parts shortage(transmissions)This is gonna set us back again,I,m sure our new Plant Manager is totally confused with this auto industry.Now I don,t mind a couple weeks down time,but anymore than that I start to get to far into projects and spending.Hopeing to be back within 2 weeks!
We are all suffering somehow, thank god it's only temp for you Pettyblue, I think Ford is going to be ok and as of 2010 being different. Yes it will but it won't be because the republicans have done anything. Thank god they are not in power now!
Here's hoping it's only temporary for you. I took a voluntary layoff in June. It was only supposed to be 2 months. I figured "what the hell". Take the summer off, spend some time with the family and new baby and enjoy myself a bit. Well, here we are, the end of October.:angry7:
I've seen so many good deals I've had to pass on due to funds, it's driving me nuts!!! On the plus side, my Dad got a message for me from work about coming back. i may be back to work Monday night. I just wish they would get their contact info right, I haven't lived at home in YEARS!!! I'm not really looking forward to going back to that place, but I'm pretty much tapped out cash-wise. I could run up the credit cards and line of credit, but that's not how I like to live.
Sorry to hear about your situation.Looks like it's temporary that's good.Tub em if ya got em!8)