Last WWI Vet dies........



Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2007
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East Peoria,IL
The was last American WWI vet. Frank Buckels died Sunday Feb 27,2011.He was 110 years old.Frank was also a cilvilian WWII POW.Very sad.... Thank You for your service Frank.
Here are a few pics of the young man...


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he lived at a farm about three miles from my house. A very gracious man,kind and always loved to see children playing in his yard,,,,,,,,,,,whether he knew them or not. rest in peace and thank you for your service so that my children could know freedom
We lost our final Canadian WWI vet a couple of years ago. It's sad because the real history goes with them. The documentaries, photos and movies will never be as a powerful as speaking with a veteran who lived through the horror.
R.I.P, can't replace them, I love talking to the older vet's, these guy's gave everything so we can have what we got!
I would've loved to see and do what he had the opportunity to do. The world was larger but your ambitions was obtainable through hard work. He lived in the golden age of our society. It was the golden age because of men like him.
The was last American WWI vet. Frank Buckels died Sunday Feb 27,2011.He was 110 years old.Frank was also a cilvilian WWII POW.Very sad.... Thank You for your service Frank.

Was 16-1/2 when he finally got a recruiter to believe he was 18 and joined up to fight in "The War To End All Wars".
Thank you for your service Frank! Our world is better because of you and those like you that fought for our freedom.
God bless all of our warriors who continue the fight today against those who would take our way of life from us.

[ame=""]YouTube - Grandpa's Memorial (Twenty-One Gun Salute and Taps)[/ame]