Left rear quarter panel



Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2014
Reaction score
El Dorado, Arkansas
1965 Barracuda. I repaired the outer and inner, left rear quarter panel skins. After I installed the inner repair, I realized that I left out (what I will call a "drain vent.") of the piece I made. If it is a drain of the sort, it's not located at the lowest point on the inner skin. (see photo of right side) I hate to cut the new piece to make the drain. Question: How necessary is it to have it?

left rear quarter panel.jpg

right rear quarter panel.jpg
Factory had them there for a reason.

That being said, some of them might have been there to allow paint, rust proofing etc to get out after dipping.

How would water get into the panel at this point?

Also not really sure what is being showed in the photos
One of the main causes of rust are plugged drain holes. The water that gets in doesn't get out, collects dirt and grime and never allows the two panels to dry out. It's there for a reason.