Legendary Hot Rod and custom car builder Gene Winfield confirmed to have been beaten nearly to death



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Jan 19, 2007
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By his gold digging caregiver. He’s 97 and barely hanging on as it is. Same **** managed to wipe out his bank account and sell all his cars. What a *************


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How can she sell his car's without him signing? He's very well known. I hate that she did that to him, hope she gets life without parole.
How can she sell his car's without him signing? He's very well known. I hate that she did that to him, hope she gets life without parole.
From what his son and daughter have been posting for months, she got Gene to sign over power of attorney on everything he owned. Sold his house and bought an RV and moving from camp ground to campground.

Allegedly as I’m only going off what has been posted by their accounts on Facebook
Since they caught the idiot, he should be able to get his money back, hopefully she didn't already spend it. Wonder if he can get his car's back I would like to think that he can
From what his son and daughter have been posting for months, she got Gene to sign over power of attorney on everything he owned. Sold his house and bought an RV and moving from camp ground to campground.

Allegedly as I’m only going off what has been posted by their accounts on Facebook
Where the heck are his kids at? They should've had power of attorney years ago. He probably won't be able to get anything back, how sad.
Where the heck are his kids at? They should've had power of attorney years ago. He probably won't be able to get anything back, how sad.
I don’t know. I only have gathered a fraction of the story
I sure hope Gene recovers soon. Ppl like her should rot in jail. I rather see them put in front of a firing squad. Kim
Firing squad is an honorable execution. She deserves nothing better than a length of rope.
Gene has always been pretty independent & a sucker for women... He grew up in Modesto & started his customizing here.. I know quite a few people who've known him for fifty or sixty plus years...
A very talented guy, I hate hearing what he's been through.. There's a special place in Hell for her & her kind...
Wow, I am totally shocked there are only 2 charges on that "list" and 1 is a misdemeanor?? WTF??
Kim, remember Michelle from WTP in Kindersley? She was pulling same **** on somebody out there. POS.
I sure hope Gene recovers soon. Ppl like her should rot in jail. I rather see them put in front of a firing squad. Kim
Slick her up with bacon grease and drop her into a remote basin . The Grizzlies will take care of the rest .
How in the hell did she get POA? When this crime has been committed, that title should be revoked with additional charges laid and property returned if possible.
Well after reading those lengthy posts, all I can say is Karma has come back big time! I now see why the kids weren't in the picture.
Sounds like a Steve Jobs deal. A genius but a dick.
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It would seem that Gene Winfield is not the benevolent legend that many believed him to be. Having said that a 96 year old man doesn't deserve to be beaten to near death by a gold-digging, self-serving criminal witch! I would say take her around back and put a .45 slug in her head but that would be far to clean and quick for this evil hag.
What's so sad is that he signed over power of attorney to her. I don't think that anything can be done about his belong
My fingers hit the button before I was done. His belongings are hers unless they are able to prove that he didn't understand what he was doing
Women think they can get away with anything...they are most shocked and offended when the cuffs are slapped on them...
Women think they can get away with anything...they are most shocked and offended when the cuffs are slapped on them...
The only thing that they might be able to do is see if he was in his right might when he gave her power of attorney. I really hate that this happened to Gene but unfortunately it's legal unless they can prove that he didn't understand what he was doing. I don't mean to be disrespectful here but this is a good point why older adults need either their kids or a trusted person or a attorney to help with their properties
They ought to punish her reeeeeeal good.
May the screams be heard for miles and the flesh stretched from here to Cleveland