Let The Games Begin!!!



Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
Midlothian, Texas
O.k., I couldn't help it. I had to start stuff on my other website, DC.com. A lot of those guys don't think much about smallblocks,(however a lot of them do, like FireFighter), so I challenged them to a FABO vs. DC.com, smallblock Abodies, vs. BigBlock B bodies, all in good fun. As I said over there, I can cheat as I have both!:tongue9: / What do ya'll think about that?!
Remember, although the Big block in an A body is great for going straight, the rules would state that you would have to be able to turn left or right within a 2 mile radius. lol!
Tell them to bring it on,nothing i like better then blowing the doors off of a fat overweight b-body with my lightweight smallblock a-body...
I guess I can't play then cuss my A body has a BB in it. What are we playing anyway. Oh ya, she turns and stops just fine and when you bury the go peddle she'll plant alot of B Bodies.


P6020033 (Small).JPG
I say we try to set up a race centrally located to make things fair. Rules would be full interior, pump gas, no juice or boost. Just big block B's vs. Small block A's. There is actually some pretty cool guys over there.
Sorry, a lot closer and I might have considered trailering it but Texas is to far.:pale:
By the way what's the web address for DC.com, tried that but wouldn't come up.

Sorry, a lot closer and I might have considered trailering it but Texas is to far.:pale:
By the way what's the web address for DC.com, tried that but wouldn't come up.


im not positive but im thinking dodgecharger.com since hes talking about b bodies
You're right, DodgeCharger.com. Demonseed, I wasn't talking about Texas, I was thinking somewhere perhaps in the Midwest like Indiana?
I'd have to bring my B-Body since my Dart is still a ways off from being finished.
Hey dartforforty, if you are not with us you are against us LOL unless you are packing a nice stroker in the '63.
Lets take a collection, and send our best three cars (fastest) and sell it to Speed. Make it out to be a David vs Goliath type of show. Our site would explode with that kind of coverage, and big B's would be shamed all over North America....maybe
Hey dartforforty, if you are not with us you are against us LOL unless you are packing a nice stroker in the '63.
Lets take a collection, and send our best three cars (fastest) and sell it to Speed. Make it out to be a David vs Goliath type of show. Our site would explode with that kind of coverage, and big B's would be shamed all over North America....maybe

Well if I brought the Dart it would not be fair to the B-Bodies as i am packin a Hemi in it
We'll just tell them it's one of those small-block hemis. They will never know the difference

I love your Dart, that thing is going to be a monster
We'll just tell them it's one of those small-block hemis. They will never know the difference

I love your Dart, that thing is going to be a monster

Thanks. if i ever get it back from the fabricator I might be able to finish the body work. I was hopin to hit the track in the spring
Hey dartforforty, if you are not with us you are against us LOL unless you are packing a nice stroker in the '63.
Lets take a collection, and send our best three cars (fastest) and sell it to Speed. Make it out to be a David vs Goliath type of show. Our site would explode with that kind of coverage, and big B's would be shamed all over North America....maybe

I think this would make dam good tv for a show like Pinks. I agreee, David vs. Goliath. I'm telling ya'll, we can have fun with this. However A bodies have to run smallblocks, and B bodies have big blocks, strokers allowed, no juice. I've already started a friendly rivalry between me and a guy named HemiDoug, it's fun, I'm telling ya', and we haven't even raced.
Sure, maybe we could even have them in three classes. Each side can bring a Factory stock, and modified street(with tire limit), and we'll get two old Pro Stocks to match,just to keep it interesting.
Well technically speaking my hemi is a stroker.....it's a Mopar mega block bored and stroked to a 557 CID...would that be cheating lol
I think something like this would have to limited to No hemis, and No six packs(or six barrel for you Plymouth dudes). You just forget about this competition, and concentrate on finishing that monster Dart.
No, I think Hemis and Six Packs would be fair, got to remember the B bodies are heavy. I know as my 69 Charger is a lot harder to move around the shop than my Cuda.
Im putting a RB 440 in my 72 Dart an my new Saying around town is if u can still turn yur not goin fast
I've had my share of big block b's, and six packs would definately NOT be fair....well, unless you let us have a blower..
Six packs for the b-bodies would be fine..some of own smallblocks w/ 1 four barrell that'll still blow the doors off em':-D