Long island job?



Well-Known Member
May 26, 2009
Reaction score
Long island, New York
I need a job really bad. I hope this doesn't go against any rules.

I recently graduated with my B.F.A. with a concentration in computer graphics. I also graduated from wilson techs advertising art program with honors. There is just no jobs out there at all in my field! I am at a huge loss here, my family is supporting me at the moment and they are having some trouble doing so. If I could find a job it would really help my family out.

I can drive automatic and stick shift cars an also have my motorcycle license. I can pretty much drive anything with wheels. I am also pretty mechanically inclined. I do all my own work on my dart other than inspections and wheel alignments. I also only speak english. I can be respectful to people. I just really need some kind of job. I would consider apprenticing somewhere for a few months at no charge if it ment I could get a job when I was finished. My dream would be to work at 8 bucks an hour while learning but i understand that might not be possible for some people.

I really would like a job to help my family and be able to work on my dart. I have had no money lately let alone for my poor dart! it makes me terribly sad to not have money for my dart.:banghead:

If your curious about anything about me please please message me! I really could use a good job. Ill do almost anything. I just want to fuel my addiction.... my mopar addiction...
I find it amazeing the current administration`s trying to convince people to go back to school for tech. jobs, since all the blue collar jobs are being sent over seas. Then what BC jobs are available they`re being swallowed up by Illegals.
Are all construction jobs in NY pretty much Union controlled?
If not, Might be something to look into.
In your neck of the woods, heck, they might start you out @ 15-20 hr? for just being a labor?
Hard work, but you know you earn it.
Good luck, Hope you did`nt vote for "him"
Sad thing is my new to voting *** did vote for him.:banghead: I will admit Next time I get to vote, it will be against him!
Willing to commute to Manhattan? Might be able to help with something. If "anything that earns a dollar" is the name of the game, shoot me a PM. No guarantees, but it doesn't hurt to try.