Now why would you post a pic of that custom shop turd
on a mopar site?:angel12:
Looks way better then the "hellkitty" the way where do you think the '68 hemi darts and cudas' were built certainly NOT in the mopar plant...
Now why would you post a pic of that custom shop turd
on a mopar site?:angel12:
Fact remains that those rustangs are NOT built the way you see it at a furd factory. The hellcat remains the fastest FACTORY production vehicle. :finga:
SS cars WERE built in the Mopar plant, engines and race parts added later....
Fact remains that those rustangs are NOT built the way you see it at a furd factory. The hellcat remains the ugliest FACTORY production vehicle. :finga:
all im seeing are cartoonish looking pictures and reading "claims" about this and that. not that it really matters to me, 5 years from now I will still be driving an old carbureted Dodge getting blown away by all these Tennessey Hellringer things
Neither of them are the fastest production vehicle. I don't know where you guys are reading that. The hellcat isn't really even close
I don't think.