Magnum Mech Fan in 73 A Body?



Active Member
Apr 12, 2014
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I need some help in determining if the factory mechanical fan will clear.
I'm swapping a 5.9 Magnum into a 73 Dart Swinger - original /6 vehicle.
I'm using a factory 73 spool mount V8 K-frame with factory 360 mounts.

1. Does anyone know if the factory magnum mechanical fan will have enough clearance to the radiator and will it fit in the same position in the shroud?
2. Or.. Can someone measure the distance from the block to the end of the fan assy from a factory LA V8 in a late A-body (as I measured in the picture)


Thank you,
Something to consider, an 8 cylinder engine is shorter than a straight six...

Understood - Thank you.

What I am trying to determine is the distance from the back of the timing cover to the front of the fan clutch for a stock LA V8 so I can compare to the 9.5" that I measured for my Magnum.

It's difficult to determine if the Magnum clutch fan will fit. Some posts I read that it fit, others that it would not. So I thought I direct comparison of this measurement between my Magnum setup and stock LA setup would give me a better idea.

I keep refering to "my" Magnum, because I understand there are different clutch fans depending on which model the Magnum was removed from. I am not sure if it is a depth difference or just fan dia or blade count.
Mine is from a 2000 Durango and has 5 blades and a 20" Dia.

My block is at the machine shop right now so I can't measure the length to the /6 right now.
I thought someone might have a quick answer.

Thank you,
I have one in my 72 dart, no problem. I used all the 98 magnum stuff and a aluminum radiator.
I haven't done a shroud yet, will have to be custom one.