Maybe an addiction???



Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2012
Reaction score
Lemoore, CA
Hi Everyone,

"My name is Jason and I am an addict."

It really does feel that way. I purchased my 73 Dart on 9/26, and it's been gone since Thursday morning getting a new interior and stereo system. Man...I'm really missing that car.
I guess I've never owned a vehicle that I REALLY like that much. I guess I'll go to the shop tomorrow and get a fix.

Anyone else get "itchy" when their car is gone?

My car never leaves my possession other than when at the muffler shop. But it will when paint comes around uh oh I better prepare lol
Yeah... You'll need to make sure you take it for a.nice drive before you drop it off to get that paint job.
I knew, or at least I figured that you guys would understand what I'm feeling.

My sanctuary is behind a wheel and driving in the country. Best thinking =driving, best vacation =driving, . Iam addicted to my 2 girls my dogs and driving in that order so if we are all cruising together to the park or brown county this junkie is at ease. I feel ya. They want my cars done faster then me so maybe it is hereditary haha
My car never leaves my possession other than when at the muffler shop. But it will when paint comes around uh oh I better prepare lol
my car never leaves my possession,(damn wrong spelling)plus cant afford to pay some guys to sew .my old lady knows how!.no an addiction is working on ,spending money you dont have,all the time!damn you could be adictted lol