Memorial Day - Let us never forget!



Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2004
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Past & present, thanks to all who have served.

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Thanks for posting this Barry, yes thanks to all the brothers and sisters that served!
wish i had a story to share, but few in my family served (several of my uncles did on both sides)
closest to something interesting i could share is one solitary picture ive seen at my grandmothers home
it was of a man, who was clearly my great grandfather on my fathers side, installing a window in what i assume is a concentration camp building, as a german officer watched over him

i've always wanted to ask what the story was behind that picture, but i never brought up the courage to ask and my grandmother passed away several months ago.

but i ramble, i mostly posted here to say thank you for those men and women who served, and their fathers, mothers spouses and children who had to do without them

and to invite our fellow members to share their stories (if they would be inclined to do so, i know many dont like to talk about it, and that fine)
if there is anyone here old enough to have been a part of operation Market Garden (i believe that was spearheaded by the 82nd and 101st airborne divisions) i owe you a special debt of gratitude the village i was born in, the city i went to high school and the city i went to college were all liberated out of German control during that operation
Thanks Dad for your service in the Korean War.
These young libs have no Idea of responsibility or respect.... R.I.P. 4/2/14
A Thanks to my dad involved in the battle on the island of Attu in May 1943 during WWII. RIP, 1/7/2010.
Small world. From Alexai Point Airfield on Attu;

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My Dad would tell me nightmare stories about frostbite, coffee freezing in the cup. He use to tell me the wood burning stoves in the Army tents would be glowing red from the fires they built in them, yet if you got 2 feet away from them you'd be freezing!
It been a long time. But I remember my dad telling me about getting there engines shot up and have to make a emergency landing during his first tour of Vietnam. He was a door gunner on a Huey. They had to bring in a platoon to help guard them while they fixed the Huey. Dad said the Vietcong was all around them. My dad did two tours and never really talked about it much and I didn't push him for info.
It been a long time. But I remember my dad telling me about getting there engines shot up and have to make a emergency landing during his first tour of Vietnam. He was a door gunner on a Huey. They had to bring in a platoon to help guard them while they fixed the Huey. Dad said the Vietcong was all around them. My dad did two tours and never really talked about it much and I didn't push him for info.
I have two close friends that went to Vietnam, both of them at different times talked about it once in all the years we've been friends!
I have two close friends that went to Vietnam, both of them at different times talked about it once in all the years we've been friends!
I worked with a man who served in Vietnam
He started out as a gunner on a jeep, but later became the person responsible for making sure that those who didn't make it at least made it home
I cant imagine what that must have been like