Moose hunting again


Coyote Jack

Member #55, I'm old
FABO Gold Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Baxters Corner N.B. Canad
The draw results came out this morning for the annual New Brunswick moose hunt. I am going again as my beautiful wife got drawn again. This is her third time in 22 years. I'm not sure she is real happy about it as she is not as young as she used to be but she will gladly do it for me. Did I ever say how much I LOVE my wife.

The hunt is a 3 day hunt in late September with only about 4700 tags in total for the whole province.

congradulations jack and Phyllis the pop must be strong with 4700 animals I cant wait to see the pics
We think the population is real strong, but the DNR folks think otherwise. They dropped the number of tags by 40 in the zone I hunt in. Still 280 tags in the zone but that is far less than the 450 a few years back.
