[Found!] Mopar Performance 727 deep steel pan

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Nov 29, 2019
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Pacific Northwest -USA
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Looking for a good Mopar Performance brand deep steel pan. The part number is P3690730AC. Replacing one that is damaged. Please let me know if you have one you are willing to part with. Thanks -Aaron
Same pan as a518/46rh-re /47 rh-re
DODGE Parts | RockAuto
Thanks mbaird - Thanks for the advice. Althoough, I think the Mopar Performance one is enough different that I would prefer it to the a518 pan. I will keep it as a backup plan if I completely strike out on finding a MP. I think the Mopar Performance is extra capacity but I believe it is shorter than the a518 pan by 1/2 to 1" and I need that clearance. The MP pan also has its drain plug in a location that is more protected from the car bottoming out. Finally the MP pan is heavy stainless and more durable than the thin steel pan.
There is no drain plug on the factory pan . I installed one on both of mine where I wanted them .
I think my exhaust would hit before my pan .
Not sure about material differences.
Most, but not all of the OEM 518 pans I've seen have a drain plug in them. I have one on my spare transmission and it is equipped with a plug.
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