Mopars Are HOT - Literally!



Inland Mopars Car Club
FABO Gold Member
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
North OC, SoCal
From today:

It was so hot that two forecasters with the Weather Service in Phoenix decided to demonstrate the oven-like temperatures Saturday and baked cookies on the dash of a 2008 Dodge van.
“We were joking around that we should bake some cookies, because that sounds a lot better than frying an egg,” meteorologist Charlotte Dewey told the Los Angeles Times. “More tasty, anyway.”
One report recorded the temperature in the van at 200 degrees. It took about four hours to bake the cookies – when the temperature hit 116 the cookies were done. Apparently frying an egg on the sidewalk was seen as passé.

It was reported that Phoenix airport recorded 115F yesterday
My sis lives in Fremont, says Its 90 inside her place,...I told her to be glad she is on the coast...
Up here where I live near Prescott it was 101 an hour ago, and now it's 78.


I love it when it clouds up and rains for 15 min in the afternoon because it stays nice the rest of the evening.

Around noon tomorrow it will be 100 again.
When I worked furniture I would keep my lunch on the Darts dash during the summer so it would be hot and ready by lunch and I didn't have to fight for dominance of one of the 4 microwaves.
Yeah the heat here in Phoenix definatly isn't my favorite thing. In fact I will do my best to avoid it as much as I can if its over 108 (neither of my cars have a/c). Also last Friday and Saturday it hit 119 here.
Yeah the heat here in Phoenix definatly isn't my favorite thing. In fact I will do my best to avoid it as much as I can if its over 108 (neither of my cars have a/c). Also last Friday and Saturday it hit 119 here.

UGH, screw that. :D
I don't mind the heat, since I worked as a heat treat controller for 25 years making windshields. but 105's with low humidity is about all I can stand now. anything higher or higher humidity than that and I'm hitting the pool or hiding inside until I get the A/c done up for the garage! yeah I know I'm a "wuss":glasses7:
as a heat treat controller I stayed in a 135 temp room for most of the day and to go into the computer room was almost impossible. that 60-70 degree difference was hard to take. I wore heavy flannel shirts and jeans year round ,winters almost froze me solid. best move I made was to move south.

neither of my darts have a/c right at this moment but BOTH WILL for sure. I just scored a complete inside factory A/C unit,controls,hoses and outside water control valve off of ebay for the 1st dart and had the other stuff except drier and compressor brackets for the other dart . Noe to gently cut the holes to make it work!