More Thanksgiving Humor



Can't re Member
Apr 27, 2009
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Tampa Bay, Florida
Just think..........

If the Indians had given the Pilgrims a donkey

instead of a turkey, we would all be having

a piece of a$$ this Thanksgiving!!..

2 more weeks untill my favorite holiday. :supz:
How would ya pluck a donkey :scratch::D
after a few hit's off the peace pipe you would eat anything to :toothy10:
Good one homecloned :cheers:
Treva had a giggle out of that one this morning :toothy10:
Made my morning!
I don't think i would eat the stuffing if it was a donkey.
Haha ,good one.I'll head off to work thinking about some of the jackasses I encounter on the job from time to time.Have a good day guys.:sunny:
There is a onion stuffing recipe for donkey.
Piece of *** that will bring tears to the eyes. :)

200,000 Butterball Turkeys were recalled...
They forgot to butter the balls.
I was just thinking how would you know that some of us aren't getting a piece of...well nevermind...
I learned this bit of trivia recently... Many years ago a king declared that dinner knives shall have rounded edges so they weren't as dangerous when arguments broke out at the table. In some families that is something to be thankful for.