Most overrated bands?

Where to start?
Metallica. Every song sounds exactly like all the others.
Kiss. Just plain **** music for 13 year olds.
Nirvana. Someone please let go of his nuts. I can't take that voice.
Grateful dead. They just plain suck dirty dog balls. Every song sounds like it was written and played by a child. I hate that shitty guitar.
Guns and Roses. They did two good songs played to death on the radio. Everything else was crap.
Rolling stones. Their playing sucks. Micks singing sucks. Production always sounds cheap and tinny.
Skynard. ACK!
and then again a lot of it boils down to what you listened to when you were young.
Like cheap hate it but after a few months you get used to it and like it.
There aren't many great compositions anymore .
...McCarthurs's Park, Day in the Life, Stairway to Heaven,Taxi, Hotel California,Give me Shelter Round about..etc.
Those songs were written, arranged and sung by the artists playing most or all of the instruments.
and then again a lot of it boils down to what you listened to when you were young.
Like cheap hate it but after a few months you get used to it and like it.
There aren't many great compositions anymore .
...McCarthurs's Park, Day in the Life, Stairway to Heaven,Taxi, Hotel California,Give me Shelter Round about..etc.
Those songs were written, arranged and sung by the artists playing most or all of the instruments.
Don't forget American pie
and Southern Cross, Layla, Badge
maybe a best songs thread is in order....
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If by "overrated" you mean "overplayed on classic rock radio stations," my vote goes to Aerosmith.

If you mean "too many musicians wear their name on a T-shirt" it's got to be Nirvana.
Talk about Horrific? Drugs proved that you didn't have to have talent to cut a record. Bob Dylan and Neil Young were terrible!

I almost got fired over Neil Young. Was talking music with my boss...I said Neil Young sure made a lot of money for a guy who couldn't carry a tune in a basket. He got PISSED and stalked off..I found out he was a Young Impersonator at night in in the local bars.
Blink 182,...and anything that has those whiny vocals, same three chord guitar riff... This genre sucks, donkey ba**ls.....
If anybody says Blue Oyster Cult I'll kick 'em in da jimmy.

BOC always puts on an amazing show live. I just wish they'd play more than 2 of their songs on the radio. It's always Burning For You and Dont Fear The Reaper. It'd be great if they played some of their really obscure stuff on the radio, like anything off the forgotten Imaginos album
a lot of never were bands being posted. never were and never will be rated.
The Greatful Dead !!
They suck worse then Nirvana !!
They suck worse then the doors !!
Rob Zombie blows !!!
Tool sucks except the drummer is killer would like to hear him with better musicians !!!
Metallica has pretty much blown since the black lp it had a couple cool songs the rest was lame !!

Oh and let's not forget
Pearl Jam they absolutely blow !!
Mike mc ready can play and I like some of what he does and Matt Cameron can play drums but Eddie Vedder is lame !!!!!
What sucks even more then most these bands is the weak poser sold out radio stations that play the same songs over and over and rarely play the best songs from bands always the cheesy ones !!!
the Doors suck but not as much as the Who. Daltry Sucks. it's to bad Townsend's talent was wasted with the Who.
Whut in theeeeeeee holy hell??

Did you fall and split your wig?

I had all the Maiden albums until Seventh Son growing up. Was a big fan. One can only take so much Bruce Dickenson before wanting to shoot oneself.

The first 2 albums are the best. Give them a re-listen.
The radio station gets changed as soon as Led Zepplin or REM come on. I will never turn off anything from Pink Floyd.