Movie sequels



Gratis persona
Apr 27, 2009
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Prattsburgh, NY
Oh, for the good old days of Cary Grant, John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart, et al.

Got Paranormal Activity 4 through Netflix and sat down and watched it last night. I swear, the longer a series goes, the worse the movies get.

Nothing more than repeated crap from the first three movies and the basic plot had so many holes in it that it looked like Swiss cheese.

For all the money these idiots are paid to write, direct, and star in the damned things, you'd think at least one of 'em had enough brains to at least come up with something that made sense. But, no! As long as the fans are hooked and willing to spend money on it they'll continue to put out dreck.
It's pretty much the same with television programs these days too Robert. Apparently coming up with new plots -- or even something mildly original -- is too much for the screenwriters.

As soon as some "new thing" gets popular be it storage auctions, living on an island, eating weird crap, pawn shop antics, wrestling alligators or making moonshine (don't even get me started on all the variations that cause the rest of the country to think everyone from the south is a total toothless mush-mouthed idiot) there have to be ten more copycats on every cable network in existence. And THEY ALL SUCK. Reality tv and movie sequels have to be the biggest waste of corporate resources ever.

For a good laugh in the meantime though, you should know the last movie I actually saw at a theatre was The Craft. What was that, 1996???

Thank God I have a computer and FABO. :-D
Money is tight for everyone rite now. Sequels are more likely to make money than a new original movie. So they release sequels because it is less risky. One bad movie and they could be out of business. If the economy ever gets better you will see more new original movies and less sequels.
Oh I don't know if I agree with ALL that. For the most part, maybe. I can name two really good movies series that to me were every bit as good or even better with sequals. Back to the Future and Lethal Weapon.The key is keeping all or most of the original cast. Also another good recent one The Expendables and The Expendables 2. Kitty and I thought both of those were really good.
....I noticed that the Fast and Furious 6 was trashed on this site for various reasons ...but up here in Canada, Chrysler is using that movie to sell the new Dart...

Go figure...

what gets me are remakes. I read someplace that a remake is a safer bet than making something original, which I don't really understand, because I won't pay to see a remake if I saw the original. If I saw the original I know that the remake won't live up to the memories that are tied to the original.
I took my son to see the new Star Trek movie in was pretty good!

That movie was good.

Man of Steel was great. They did a great job re-telling the story.
I'm going to see Fast and Furious 6 and The Hangover 3 tonight at the drive in. I'm probably in for a double let down, but its cheap Tuesday and I'm bringing the Duster, so it should be a fun time anyways.:D
I'm going to see Fast and Furious 6 and The Hangover 3 tonight at the drive in. I'm probably in for a double let down, but its cheap Tuesday and I'm bringing the Duster, so it should be a fun time anyways.:D

Holy crap! You go to the drive in to watch the movie?

Around here people go to the drive in to get laid or get into fights. The movie is just a big talking nightlight. lol
There are other movies where the original is mediocre at best, yet the keep making sequels. Each sequel loses a few of the original actors.
Ever see Tremors with Kevin Bacon? How about Tremors 4? How about From Dusk til dawn 4. Theres all the I know what you did last Summer movies that went on like the Scream sequels.....
Final Destination
American Pie
Then there are the movies that actually ADD characters...
Lethal Weapon
Fast and Furious
There are other movies where the original is mediocre at best, yet the keep making sequels. Each sequel loses a few of the original actors.

One movie series pops into mind: Police Academy.

Series that are a continuation of the story are different in my opinion. Star Wars and the Lord of the Rings are two that pop into my head.

But the incessant need to put out more numbers just to see how high the average person can count is ridiculous.

Back to the movie series in the original topic, though. (Spoiler alert) Why was it necessary to have the demon kill the girl's family and kidnap the kid in the second one, to find out in the fourth that the demon, the girl, and the girl's mother let him be adopted by another family? WTF? What kind of sense does it make to go through all that to get the kid, just to give the kid away?

It's like the Alien movies. The face huggers couldn't break out of a bell jar with thin glass like they were in in the second movie but they could break through one inch glass of a cryo-chamber in the third movie? What kind of sense is that?