Well-Known Member
So a brief backstory on how this came to be was I wanted something to have as a street and strip ride and was looking for an A-body. I came across a friend who was going to unload a 440 for 100 bucks so I came home with it and didnt tell my dad. When he did find out he thought it was funny that I came home with the engine for a non-existing car. The next day at work, he jokingly told his friend and co-worker about my master plan and the co-worker had said "well why dont you two take my car?" The co-worker has a 72 duster that has been in his garage for a little while and had chosen to give it to someone to finish it (my dad and me) with the exception that if we ever were to sell we would give it back to him minus the drive train, and then the car came home to us in 2009. Almost a full 3 years later it has come a long way and i can't wait to finish it. It is mostly complete and the drive train needs a radiator, a driveshaft, a few interior pieces, a hood and paint. I am a student so I don't have lots of cash for the car so slowly I have been throwing money at it and it is where it is at now. All of the work has been done by me and my dad. I built my first complete motor by myself as well as hot tanking the block and doing the heads at school. With my dads supervision I overhauled my first torqueflite as well as learned to weld on the inner fenders along with everything else under my dads supervision. Feel free to ask anything and I realized I have A LOT of photos so I will only add a few.
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