My Dart turns 44 tomorrow



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Jan 18, 2006
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My Dart turns 44 tomorrow. Last year I had a cake but this year just a simple "Happy Birthday". My engine/trans project is coming along. The machine shop has things cleaned up and should have some measurements for me in a week or two so I can get my pistons and bearings ordered. After the holidays I will send my heads off to get them re-built and a little port work done. I will check on my trans. this coming Wednesday. The pieces are coming together. I asked Santa for "cash for car parts" and I hope he comes through. I've been a good boy this year so ma-be that will help! LOL Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

I remember that from last year Mike :cheers:
Merry Christmas Mike and Happy birthday LP23D :eek:ccasion:
I just looked at Santa's list :-k

Yep you have been a good boy :wav:
My Dart turns 44 tomorrow. Last year I had a cake but this year just a simple "Happy Birthday". My engine/trans project is coming along. The machine shop has things cleaned up and should have some measurements for me in a week or two so I can get my pistons and bearings ordered. After the holidays I will send my heads off to get them re-built and a little port work done. I will check on my trans. this coming Wednesday. The pieces are coming together. I asked Santa for "cash for car parts" and I hope he comes through. I've been a good boy this year so ma-be that will help! LOL Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.


That cake is sooo coool.
Congratulations to you and your dart.
Ok, I'll toot my own horn. My dart turned 44 today. I had Luke, my 12 year old,
snap a photo of me behind the wheel, in the cold garage. with the hood on the roof and the drive train in 3 different counties. I'm enjoying a Velvet Reserve and 7 as a toast to the old girl! Last year I had the cake made just for fun.
Merry Christmas to all! Sounds like we may get some nasty winter weather in the next few days. Peace to all! Mike
Happy Birthday and many more to come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You and I have twins seperated at birth...well mine being built in LA. Your car is a week older than mine...Mine turns 44 on Dec. 28. Happy birthday and merry Christmas.