My Grandson Left For Navy Boot Camp


65 Dartman

1 of None 65 Dart Sedan Delivery
FABO Gold Member
Sep 24, 2006
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Strasburg, VA
My grandson has followed in the footsteps a 4th generation military family. his GGfather (my father - a 26 year AF veteran of wwii, Korea and View Nam, me - a 20 yesr plus AF veteran with a combat tour in Viet Nam, an uncle (my oldest son who served in the AF for 2 years) and my youngest son (his Dad), who served for awhile in the Navy. He enlisted as a Combat Corpsman in the Navy. After a multitude of schools including jump and dive schools, he will be eventually assigned to either a Seal unit or a Marine Expeditionary unit. Am so proud of him
My great grand father was an Army ambulance driver in WWI. My Great Uncle was a USMC grunt in WWII. My father was both Army and USAF during Korea and Viet Nam. I was USAF during the Cold War, Dessert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq. Niece and nephew were both helo pilots in the USMC. My niece is still in now (she is a USNA a graduate 2012). I believe that it all will end with her though. The next gen will likely never serve. Who knows if we’ll even be around after that.
My great grand father was an Army ambulance driver in WWI. My Great Uncle was a USMC grunt in WWII. My father was both Army and USAF during Korea and Viet Nam. I was USAF during the Cold War, Dessert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq. Niece and nephew were both helo pilots in the USMC. My niece is still in now (she is a USNA a graduate 2012). I believe that it all will end with her though. The next gen will likely never serve. Who knows if we’ll even be around after that.
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Thank Y'all !!!
I cannot imagine what today's boot might be like. I went, spring of '68 arrived about 26-28 May. I've read, or maybe YouTube that modern sailors get a fair amount of small arms hands on range training. I got nothing but part of a day, firing an M1 Garand, prone only, at Camp Elliott, San diego. Ironically, a couple years later, I would spend 4 years at NAS Miramar, right across hiway 15 from there.
I cannot imagine what today's boot might be like. I went, spring of '68 arrived about 26-28 May. I've read, or maybe YouTube that modern sailors get a fair amount of small arms hands on range training. I got nothing but part of a day, firing an M1 Garand, prone only, at Camp Elliott, San diego. Ironically, a couple years later, I would spend 4 years at NAS Miramar, right across hiway 15 from there.
I had very few interactions with Navy and Air Force while I was in the Army, but when I did.....
They would always make a beeline to my M16A.
To the OP, congrats on your grandson.
Just remember, where jump school is concerned if at first you don't succeed, you won't get a second chance!
I know you're proud. That's an awesome thing of him to do. And wow, what a Rate to choose. He'll never have a dull moment.

I see a lot of young folks these days and think this country is doomed. But then I hear about the young men and women who make the choice to serve our great country and it gives me hope.
After a multitude of schools including jump and dive schools, he will be eventually assigned to either a Seal unit or a Marine Expeditionary unit.

I don't want to sound like a dick and I think it's a matter of you just being an AF guy and maybe what he's told you are just his goals but he/you can't really say where he'll end up.
Does he have a SEAL contract to go to BUD/S after boot camp? That's the only way he's going to get assigned to a SEAL team. He may become a clinical Corpsman and work for Group but he won't be on a Team.
As far as the Marines. He has to pass the Field Medical Training course and then he will be assigned where to go from there. He could end up at the hospital on Camp Pendleton, he could end up with MARDIV (Infantry).
If he wants to be a badass then he will want to shoot for actually becoming a SEAL and then he will be going to Army Special Forces 18D course (Special Forces Medic school) to become a SOCM (Special Operations Combat Medic).
Equally as badass is SARC (Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman), with the possibility of ending up with Recon or MARSOC (Marine Special Operations Command - think SEALs/Green Berets of the Marines) which is a Tier 2 SOCOM command. Tier 1 is CIA SAD, Delta, and NSW's DevGru so Tier 2 SOF is like guys movies are made of. Tier 1 is the guys you never hear about.
He's got a long road and it's best to just focus on what's next and not SEALs and Marine Expeditionary Force. He'll need to study a lot of medicine before he worries about kickin doors and snatching souls.

My grandson has followed in the footsteps a 4th generation military family. his GGfather (my father - a 26 year AF veteran of wwii, Korea and View Nam, me - a 20 yesr plus AF veteran with a combat tour in Viet Nam, an uncle (my oldest son who served in the AF for 2 years) and my youngest son (his Dad), who served for awhile in the Navy. He enlisted as a Combat Corpsman in the Navy. After a multitude of schools including jump and dive schools, he will be eventually assigned to either a Seal unit or a Marine Expeditionary unit. Am so proud of him
Our family is also multi generational military, even my wife is military and our boy is still in. I was just the only one dumb enough to go in Marines. As a Marine I like so many others, owe my life to a Navy Corpsman. He was attached to our very small group. Corpsman eat and drink free if I see them to this day. Tell him him there is no higher honor than the path he has chosen. Well done Dad.
My grandson has followed in the footsteps a 4th generation military family. his GGfather (my father - a 26 year AF veteran of wwii, Korea and View Nam, me - a 20 yesr plus AF veteran with a combat tour in Viet Nam, an uncle (my oldest son who served in the AF for 2 years) and my youngest son (his Dad), who served for awhile in the Navy. He enlisted as a Combat Corpsman in the Navy. After a multitude of schools including jump and dive schools, he will be eventually assigned to either a Seal unit or a Marine Expeditionary unit. Am so proud of him
Tell him this old retired Chief Petty Officer says Welcome Aboard!
Congrats and I wish him the best!!
My family's military service dates back to the Civil War.
My family has had continuous military service active or reserve since 1952.
My wife and I are both retired military. :usflag:
Not me - 20 plus retired USAF but during my career, I’m sure I’ve communicated by radio with a number of P3’s as well as B52’s, 135’s, 141’s, C5’s and many others via long haul HF radio
Good luck to him, always need more medics in the field. As an army guy I had run ins with many navy and Air Force. It mostly left me jealous of what they got away with.
My grandson who left for Navy boot camp a few months ago graduated today. His parents, sister and me were in attendance today. We’re all so proud of him.
My grandson who left for Navy boot camp a few months ago graduated today. His parents, sister and me were in attendance today. We’re all so proud of him.
My dad and four of his five brothers served, my mother's two brothers served I have numerous cousins that served, my oldest brother was an Air Force colonel, I was an Army Sergeant my niece was an Air Force sergeant my brothers stepson was a sergeant. We have family that serves that goes clear back to the 1700. Don't know what the future holds.
Congrats, is he still wanting to be a Corpsman? I sure hope so. Those guys rock. Congrats! It is a proud day for sure.

thanks, yes he still wants to be Navy Corpsman. He actually heading out tomorrow morning for Lackland AFB’s Wilford Hall where his A school is located