My son is gone again



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Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
Creed came by last night to give us hugs and say good bye
I cooked him a steak and then off he went
He took off at 3 am this moning headed to Japan to play some music for the USAF and will be hitting a couple islands there.
In a rush this morning in the dark he said he failed to load his clothing bag :angry7:
I just got off the phone with him and he is on the plain in Huston Texas.
This is there second tour out of the country 8) Yall remember his Europe tour a couple months ago
When I was one the phone with him I herd everyone holler hello and one of them said to say hello to our fans here at FABO :cheers: I think it was Zach Williams the lead singer :happy10:
Well here he goes again
To see the world and do what most folks dream of :happy10:
I know! I know!!! he will be just fine and safe and will be back before I know it like DRENO said last night in a deferent thread, But it is still hard not to worry about them with all that flying and traveling that they are doing.
Yall have been so supportive here and it sure felt good when I herd Zach holler on the plain quote= Tell our fabo supporters we said hello Mike:cheers:
I will find more info on there tour dates and times and keep this thread updated :happy10:
A prayer for a safe return :clock::clock:

I bet if Wilde1 was there he would have made sure Creed got his clothing bag in the van :happy10:

TODAY IS 642010 026.jpg

He can either do LOTS of laundry, or buy some clothes on the road Mike. :) Stuff like that is just part of gettin' er done when you're travelling and he'll adapt to it in a hurry.
He can either do LOTS of laundry, or buy some clothes on the road Mike. :) Stuff like that is just part of gettin' er done when you're travelling and he'll adapt to it in a hurry.
I guess you are right Sid, He said he will be fine, he has shirts that we have been finding on E-Bay that was made back in the 70'es and he was going to wear them on stage :angry7:, But we told him that all the USAF bases have places to pick up a couple shirts and just do some cutting on them 8)
He said he will do fine and they can't see him sitting behind the drums anyway :toothy10:, He will make the best of it and sounded happy, But the boy sure can put on a god face and I am sure he was P.O. when he realized what he did :happy10:
July 1st and 2nd Guam will be there first stop :happy10:
July 3rd and 4th Tokyo, Japan and then back on the plane to Ump's Pub & Grill
(AR Travelers Baseball Stadium) July 16th. This is in Little Rock Arkansas
I am looking forward to this one=P~=P~ I will be having my birthday bash there and stay over night to sleep it off :toothy10::happy10:
Hard on the parents but great experience for him, living the dream :-D
Hard on the parents but great experience for him, living the dream :-D
So true Rob 8) I need to do something and keep my mind busy, I think it's a good day to put my tach in my car that ramcharger gave me :happy10: and enjoy a couple cold ones :happy10:
So true Rob 8) I need to do something and keep my mind busy, I think it's a good day to put my tach in my car that ramcharger gave me :happy10: and enjoy a couple cold ones :happy10:

That sounds like a good way to spend the afternoon. I'll be fitting the fender on my wife's car and having a few cold ones too :toothy10:
He can either do LOTS of laundry, or buy some clothes on the road Mike. :) Stuff like that is just part of gettin' er done when you're travelling and he'll adapt to it in a hurry.

Now he will have some cool shirts from Japan and Guam.

If you start to worry just take a moment to ponder what a great dream he is living, and you and Treva gave him the tools to do it.
My little one hasn't left home yet (which is a good thing since she's only 9 :)), but from what my parents have said, it gets a little easier everytime, but it's never easy to see em go.. that's what makes you a great parent..

That sounds like a good way to spend the afternoon. I'll be fitting the fender on my wife's car and having a few cold ones too :toothy10:
Well I got that dun, know I can run my automatic trunk release
wire to my clove box I guess Rob. :happy10:

Now he will have some cool shirts from Japan and Guam.

If you start to worry just take a moment to ponder what a great dream he is living, and you and Treva gave him the tools to do it.
I did not think about the cool T-shirts he might pick up, He call night before last and said he woke up and looked out the window and all he seen was ocean =P~

My little one hasn't left home yet (which is a good thing since she's only 9 :)), but from what my parents have said, it gets a little easier everytime, but it's never easy to see em go.. that's what makes you a great parent..

Thank you Grant :happy10: I remember when my two sons was that age, I must say time sure flies by after 9 :-D
They are 15 hours ahead of our time, Creed called at 3;30 am and it was about 6pm there 8) We have not herd from them again yet, But they said they will be locked down to the base until they are dun at that location then the same in Japan, But they will have a 14 to 15 hours of sight seeing after they get dun playing :cheers:
I talked to Creed today about 6pm :cheers:and he said it was friday morning 9am there :-D
They played for a bunch of USAF comanders and there families last night and had a great time :happy10:
Creed ask about there seasons and weather there8) and a man said we have two seasons here:clock: rainy and dry seasons and stays about 75 year around in Guam
They did see something weird he said, Why is there no waves in the ocean :profilel: A man said they are on the still side of the island and the only time they get waves is from storms
He and the band are doing fine and I told hm I would say hello to everyone here.

There new updated web site here with cool pictures and tour date's
Something to keep your mind busy...........hummm........the bottom of the 64 Savoy needs scraped Mike if you simply run out of ideas. You've got to see my rotisserie anyway. You're gonna love this thing. Up close and personal. No worries buddy. Knowin old Creed, he'll get along just fine and have fun doin it. Kinda like you and i do when we get together. Happy Birthday bubby.
Small Block
Hey Guys,
Im sitting in Hotel Tokyo, Japan. Just wanted to say hi. Had a great 2 days in Guam. If you can ever get to Guam for vacation go for it. Played yesterday at Freedom Fest and have 2 shows today. Hope everyone has a great 4th of July.
It is sooo good to see you post here today Creed :happy10: It's about 9 am July fourth there now.8)
Yall have a great time and be safe and happy, There is not very many folks that get this opportunity :-D

Yes I found some pictures to share here :-D Thank you Robby :-D from there Guam visit



Looks like the boys are havin a great time Mike.Like you said:

"There is not very many folks that get this opportunity"

Your right,so I guess that makes Creed a special kind of a son.8)
Looks like the boys are havin a great time Mike.Like you said:

"There is not very many folks that get this opportunity"

Your right,so I guess that makes Creed a special kind of a son.8)

He sure is :happy10: And he let his big brother use his nice new Dodge four door truck :happy10: I am blest to say the least :-D

He looks happy here don't he :-D, he is slowly growing his hair out 8)

I will be going to memphis to pick the band up at the air port :cheers:
Creed called and said they did 4 shows in 36 hours :-D
I will be sure to bring my camera and welcome them home tomorrow at 5:30 pm.
I can't wait to see some new video's of there tour to Japan :happy10:

Here is there tour in Europe, a quick one

Is it just fate or what :-D Victoria is a 66 model and look where they played

Happy 4th of July folks, from the Zach Williams and the Reformation band this morning 8)

[ame=""]YouTube- Zach Williams and the Reformation Euro Tour days 3+4[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube- ZWR Euro Tour DAY 1+2[/ame]
I played their cd at a party i went to last night and was thinking how cool it was that in japan it was the 4th already and their music was playing on both sides of the world.
I played their cd at a party i went to last night and was thinking how cool it was that in japan it was the 4th already and their music was playing on both sides of the world.

They will be so proud to hear this daredevil :cheers:
Creed said a high ranking officer gave them some kind of coin :-D
He said it's a pretty big deal to get one and don't give many out.
One was gave to a civilian that saved a life of a Marine in Iraq, the officer that gave them this coin said thank you for taking care of our troops here at the island and they was one of the first bands that took the time to stay with the troops and it made there day hanging out with the band 8)
Creed said they made them feel like they was the coolest thing since CCR and they was one of very few bands that hung out with the troops all day and made there rounds with them :crybaby: time for a blue pill I guess, I am so proud of the whole band :happy10::wav:
You got a right to be proud.
Thank you Pete, It sure has been a ride to see my son move up the ladder with some good folks enjoying the things I once could :happy10:
But never at the level he has been put in :-D Local clubs back in the day for me, But never hooked up with a great bunch of musicians dedicated and with skills of there level :happy10:
I want to know one thing ....:angry7: Why the heck can't they build an air port with simple signs and arrows that tell you witch dang lane is for departure or pick up :angry7: I drove to a security one way in to get info to how the heck do I pick my son up from a flight, these signs sent me here :angry7:, She was nice and said we get this all the time :angry7:
Well I finely found a parking spot and walked 1/4 mile to the Memphis Air port to pick two members of the band up Josh and Creed.
Needless to say I handed the keys to Creed and said get us the hell out of here :-D,

It felt so good to get back home out in the country on my hill :-D





Some pictures to share with my fabo family of the ZWR band :cheers:
Creed "the drumer" my son sure is getting to see the world :happy10:
I want to thank the members that help me understand what the coin was while I am here that I ask help from a Military person 8)

Looks like they sure had a great time =P~







Great photos...the one with all the textures of the water and clouds and light is really cool. Does your son have one arm lower than the other? Maybe it's just the photo, I'm curious cause I broke my shoulder when I was a kid, sometimes people notice it.
Great photos...the one with all the textures of the water and clouds and light is really cool. Does your son have one arm lower than the other? Maybe it's just the photo, I'm curious cause I broke my shoulder when I was a kid, sometimes people notice it.

I think that is where all my hair went. He was air lifted to Memphis in ICU for 7 days after a serious car accident. He was in the back seat and he held on to his girlfriend as they flew out the back window and landed in a ditch. He took the force of her which landed him a broken pelvis, ribs and concussion. She had bruises and a broken finger. The driver was not expected to make it but she did but has some mild brain damage and the other passenger was transported to the trauma center with a broken back. Then six months later Creed was racing his four wheeler and broke his back and transported to the trauma center for a week. I had Treva type this out for me :happy10:
It would have took a half hour for me to do it goldfish :happy10:
Good eye you have there bud 8)