my son may have totaled his car tonight



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Corinth, Ky.
Tyler was on his way home from work tonight and he called me just about the time he should have been pulling in the drive. He told me he just hit a deer. It happened on our road about a mile from the house. h he was running about 40-45 MPH when the deer came up out of the woods and caught him in the left front of his 05 Grand Prix. I told him to call 911 and make out a report. I jumped in the van and ran up there and the cop was already there. It took out the front bumper, left front fender, hood, header panel, headlight and who knows what all under the hood. It will be close to a total. will find out more tomorrow. it looks like we will be putting a front end on this soon. Good thing we are in the body repair business. At least he wasn't hurt. He just got done painting the car a couple of months ago.
Whoa! Hope he's okay.. Glad it wasn't the dart.. That was my thought clicking on this thread .. I was like ... No.. Not the dart... Haha.. Glad he's okay and hopefully everything will turn out okay
"At least he wasn't hurt"

Amen brother! It may be a set back with the daily driver, but like you said - he wasn't hurt. Parts are cheap, comparatively speaking.
those deer can hit hard
I came upon a car deer crash once where a deer tried to jump over a mid 90s buick and hit it on to upper part of the windshield and dented in the roof (not the windshield, the roof) deep enough for me to reach in through the roof from outside and adjust the rearview mirror

glad to head junior go away clean
Someone else hit a deer in their a body few years ago. Pretty bad injury to the driver. Not sure what else went on. Glad your boy is ok!
there have been two hit in the same spot about a mile from my house last week. I see them crossing there a lot and the bucks are crazy right now
Wow; sorry to read this Bill. I'm glad Tyler isn't hurt and that it wasn't in his A-body Mopar.
Glad he was not hurt. A double edged bright side really. He also totaled a pretty much worthless car in comparison to the Mopars.
Its cars safety design working, looks reaally bad but all the energy from crash went to destroying front end, not in person driving car...

Glad that he is ok.

Sounds like you guys have there some big deers, we dont have those, just reindeers and moose.
Sorry he got in an accident, glad he's not hurt...

Deer can do alot of damage to a car. I had one hit me once....
That suxs i hit a deer going to work last night in my 1999 2500 ram lucky i caught the deer in mid stride and low on the bumper only damage that happened to the truck was i caved the bumper in about 6 inches.
Glad to hear your son wasnt hurt
last week I was coming home from Walmart about 10AM when 5 of them crossed the road in front of me. Had to lock down the pickup truck. 2 of them turned and went back. I was right in the middle of them. I have deer in my yard all the time. here is one I tried to sneak up on. I got closer than I thought I would.


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Always be prepared for a deer to run out in front of you. Keep a knife and some freezer wrap in your car.
Hunting permits are cheaper than car repairs

Glad he's ok. Hit one in my neon five years ago. Had a 300 foot^3 argon bottle laid down from the trunk to in between the seats that went through the windshield after busting a hole in the dash. I know the pain of wadding a car but I bet you'll get it fixed.
Glad to hear that Tyler didn't get hurt. Like many of the above, I have also had my run-in with deer.
this one got up and ran away. Hit at 45 MPH and still going. wonder if he didn't hit the Energizer bunny instead of a deer.
I am glad your son was not hurt. But I'll bet for those few minutes before you got to him were scary. Probably shook him up something good. I travel a lot through the interstates and highways of Nevada, Utah, Idaho and Montana and see deer 'remains' just strewn all over the highway. Now I know why those semi truck have those big cow catchers on the front.
I have never seen a 'deer in the headlights' just stand there. They always seem to jump out in front of you.
no, the deer got up and staggered off back into the woods. I went past there this morning at daylight and didn't see anything so I guess she was dazed. Its hard to kill a deer with a car unless you hit it right. Apparently she ran into the front of the car and the impact swung her body around into the side of the DS fender. There was a lot of hair between the bottom of the hood and the grill. It was still driveable so he drove it to work to get an estimate from the body shop and he got stopped going in by a county cop. Cop asked him if he knew he had a headlight out and he just about lost it. He said I sure do. I hit a deer last night and I am on my way to the body shop. I have a headlight assy on the way. At least that will keep him from getting a ticket. I will post some pics when he gets back tonight with my camera. I don't know how well the ones we took in the dark turned out.