Name one thing...



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score

Thought this might be fun

Im pretty sure none of you ever drove your girlfriend to paris, parked darn near under the eifel tower and slept in the car that nite
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Thought this might be fun

Im pretty sure none of you ever drove your girlfriend to paris, parked darn near under the eifel tower and slept in the car that nite
Burned my eyebrows of TWICE in three weeks. One was a furnace backfire, one a 383 backfire. The big block backfire taught me that fire really does swirl out of a carburator, just like in cartoons!
I'll give this a whirl:

When I was about 10 years old I shot the toenail off of my "pinky toe" with my father's .30-06 while deer hunting.

It bled quite a bit, but the nail did grow back!
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Oo! I have another one:

In '97 or '98 (I forget the exact year) I managed to cut my left eye while working up in Toronto, and since I'm a US citizen, and don't have a Canadian health care card(?), I had to pay for the surgery Out Of Pocket. 3 stitches, right in the eyeball.

That one hurt like hell!
On a Labor Day weekend around 1997....I stood on top of the roof at the Armour hot-dog works in Martin City, KS in the middle of a raging lightning/thunderstorm welding a "tie-in" ammonia header pipe to the main trunk line from the compressor room while a local "part-timer" held an umbrella over my head. Lightning bolts were coming down all over the place!!!

If those welds didn't get made.......500 people would not be able to go to work on Monday morning.
I pissed on the home plate of a pro baseball stadium.

Told Jeff Gordon he was a douche bag to his face

I almost hit both Mark Martin and John Force with a golf cart, not on the same day.
In the sixth grade, I shot a BB from a BB gun (10 pump) into my middle toe. It split the bone in half and stuck in the middle. D.R. said to leave it in there and the bone would grow over it. It's still in there!
1999....just crossed the bridge from PA into New Jersey on my way to a job site.....pulled into the first gas station I came across and hopped out of my pick-up and pumped my own tank of gas......

That's when I was most un-ceremoniously informed that pumping your own gas in New Jersey was illegal..... :rofl:
Polished beer cans as gifts? Some commentary.
My wife was mad that the cans were dented. And could not be used. So it was off to the store for more. 1st can got so hot it blew the top off. Damm scared me. So used to when buffing goes wrong it bad. Like a bezel, wheel trim ring getting away. Fly part fly.


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I swam across the Niagara River a few miles above the falls. I was greeted by an O.P.P. officer who said if I stepped on dry land, he'd arrest me because I wasn't allowed to enter Canada at that point. My cousin was nearby in his boat, so I swam to it and we headed back to the U.S. side of the river. The officer saw us off with a wave and a smile.
Shot my big brother in the *** with a BB gun, which I'm sure some of you have done but when he turned around to come kick my *** I pumped that gun up, took aim and said, I wouldn't do it, he didn't!
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i'm willing to bet none of you have ever rooted through a manure pile with your hands looking for a dead foal. and found one, said that's not the right one and kept looking.
i'm willing to bet none of you have ever rooted through a manure pile with your hands looking for a dead foal. and found one, said that's not the right one and kept looking.
only time i ever shoveled a dead horse was with a fork, from under a mount of mashed potatoes into my mouth
Ate at the best restaurant in Ordos, Inner Mongolia. That's their trash you see around the sign. (The other restaurants were even worse!!!)

Picked up a dime from a hardwood floor using just my two smallest toes. Also read an entire book holding it upside down.
Sent Maryland's Governor Schaeffer up in my company bucket truck in the early 90's so he could ceremoniously cut some seed pods from the Maryland Liberty Tree on the lawn of St John's College. I made it on the local news. Haha.
Fun fact that day- the Gov was too fat for my safety lanyard to go around his waist.