Need help with Rain Gutter Trim



Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2012
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Is there a trick to getting the chrome trim around the rain gutter on a 65 Barracuda? I was able to get the rear (straight) part with not problem but the curved part doesn't look like it lines up so well. I came off very easy so I'm pretty sure I didn't get bent to much.
If the trim is not bent out of shape too much, it will conform to the drip rail when you install it. There is some "spring" to it.
Get a paint stick or plastic trim remover tools. Slowly bump from bottom of drip rail with you inside the car. It will come off. Take your time.
Get a paint stick or plastic trim remover tools. Slowly bump from bottom of drip rail with you inside the car. It will come off. Take your time.

I got it off with no problem, l'm trying to reinstall it:D
I am currently in the same boat on my 65 Valiant... That piece of trim is tough to get back on! Have you had any luck?
I've only succeded damaging one of them! Anymore input would be apresiated:toothy7: