neighbors hate me



Asa style
Jun 19, 2010
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Don't matter
well im all the time have a new junk car in the yard . last count i have 10 in the front not all junk 1/2 we drive ,my neighbors yard looks all nice... the other day one of them came over when i was loading one to send to the scrap yard and was talking saying stuff like so ur cleaning it up now!!! i got kind of mad i told him nope making room for more!!!! they rolled there eyes and went home. FYI i was here 1st all my neighbors are like 6 years being here. I've been here for 18 years. my yard i will do what i want any one have this going on ? lol i don't care if they hate me one hate me i have one that hates me so bad that when i post a car for sell or some thing on cl he flags it that was a deal that he wanted a part i had and wanted to pay zip for it so i didnt sell it to him he wanted a 60 buck intake for 10 bucks thats not going to happen
Yeah.... I haven't had time to part them, and the demand for junk has fallen.....

I have three pieces of property they are on, I have 9 at home at the moment, had one next door (Another dodge nut with 30 or so B bodies), but the guy was doing dirt work so he drove it up to my house..... She is pissed because she didn't even know I had that truck, and I have had it for three years.....

To OP,

F the neighbors. If you were there first, I guess they should have looked around before they bought their house. Thats their problem.

If they dont like it, they should have moved into a neighborhood with a code of rules so they can ask permission when changing their drapes and double check on the color of white thats acceptable for mail box posts. Then submit to a neighborhood vote when they want to have a shed in their backyard that has no trees.

My neighbor directly accross the street hates me. He spies on me when I start up my Scamp, he thinks I bashed down his mail box, and he thinks I drove through his yard. He's an unhappy asshole, only thing I can do is ignore him or move. So he gets ignored.

Not too long ago I called the cops (non emergency line) to get the hours of the noise ordinance. I started mowing my lawn at 7 am to piss off the neighbor,,,,,,,,,,totally failed.......within 5 min. he was cleaning his garage and mowing his lawn.

I'd love to screw with my neighbor....meaning kill his grass, kill his plants, drive through his yard (wish I would have done it since he blames me for it). People like that arent worth diddly squat, often times they want to create problems so they have something to do......they feed off of negativity.
right on they hated my /6 with a glass pack and said so and my old rat rodish dakota thethey hated most they came over a noon to ask me if i can put a muffler on it (u can here that thang for blocks ) i said well if u want a muffer on it pay for lol in tell the day i sold it i would always come home and 15 mph drop it in 1st and make it as loud as i can with it going boom boom bang i would have bout 6 grand and back out of it it was a 3.9 it was not a nice noise . one day they came over and said some thing bout that i told them to go home i got in the truck got in the mittle of the drive way (i was bout to put new tires on it any way ) and just smoked it tell it poped ohhhh the smell there all gagging lmao they cant even call the cops but they did and one came out and seen all the rubber in the yard looked at them and told them he can do any thing i was not on the street i was on my land lol i was under the hood of it and had it running at the time i hit the gas and the cop jumped oops lmao
One of my neighbors (don't know which one)called the cops on me once for giving my kids rides on a mini-bike I got for my oldest boys birthday .

I asked the police officer what was the complaint since I wasn't speeding (doing maybe 15 m.p.h. tops ) and the mini-bike had on over sized muffler so it was really quiet ?

He replied, "Disturbing the peace" and added you got an a$$hole neighbor who likes wastin our time ......but if they call, we gotta make a guest appearance !

So after he leaves I go back home .......and remove ALL MUFFLERS from EVERY MOTORIZED VEHICLE on my property including the mini-bike which recieved a chrome shower pipe with a baloney cut where the muffler once resided...... now it sounds like a drag Harley when I scream it up to 40 mph and get out of it while feathering the throttle to make it POP and BACKFIRE REALLY LOUD AND ANNOYINGLY up and down the block !!!!

Now that's "DISTURBING THE PEACE " screw them neighbors !
how ur hard man i wa thinking im a dic* for doing this at 2.00 am when coming home lol next thing im going to do is put a 9 foot chain link fince up with bob wire on top i use to kkep the yard clean well all but the cars but and now i have car parts all over the place now when there dogs get in the trash i just pick up whats on my land what ever they drag over on there land they have to pick it up see i was a nice guy at one point i would pick up theres to tell i didnt do it and they came over to tell me to pick up the trash (that there pack of dogs mind u put in there yard ) it was my trash so i had to do it i dont think so they got it out of the can mot me one time they got the bag for kitty litter out my wife has 3 cat and had it all over there yard that was funny to see them pick up my cats poop lmao
Lucky you don't live here! The By-Law Guy would make you clean it up! Only plated cars/trucks allowed.I would have a driveway full if I could! lol.
well its good i have a car guy next to me and him get along just fine hes like me u do what u do and i do what i do ..if i hit the lotto im going to buy out the hole mile around me and give all my frinds and famliy a home keep i mind im in live in bfe so there some that are not that cool the neighbors that live next to the one im talking bout keep there land nice to but they like me and even come over to see the new junk car some times lol if its old i help them pick up the trash on there land we are all thinking bout just putting it all on there land when there dogs get in the trash i had to chain the cans togather and put wheels in top and the dogs still getting in them and the fast ive tryed to hit them with the truck when i see them in the yard no luck yet i dont like to kill things but 6 years of this im done
Lucky you don't live here! The By-Law Guy would make you clean it up! Only plated cars/trucks allowed.I would have a driveway full if I could! lol.
ya i know bout being in town i have another place in town i cant even park on my own grass but i do any way i told them im not parking on the street they told me i would have to i told them i would black top the hole damn yard i have never seen them agin u gotta know how to handle them
If you were there first then do as you please.

It reminds me of this scene.

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Kenny's Dream House‬‏[/ame]
About 30 years ago a very successful man gave me some good advice: "What ever you buy, keep it as though you have to sell it tomorrow".

I've found that to be very sound advise. That goes for my cars, and my real estate, my guitars, my tools, everything. :thumbup:
Neat is one thing and a junkyard is another. I keep my front yard nice. It is who I am and how I live. I do have a couple cars in back though. I wouldn't have moved in by you. Were the cars there when they built or did they come after.
Neat is one thing and a junkyard is another. I keep my front yard nice. It is who I am and how I live. I do have a couple cars in back though. I wouldn't have moved in by you. Were the cars there when they built or did they come after.

Yea that would be me too. Try to keep the mess in the garage or backyard. My City doesn't like old non running cars or even Rv's out in front of homes and will cite and tow them if given the opportunity, even if on private property. Thats ok with me makes it a nicer place to live.
here in Fort Collins,if they are not fenced out of sight and no tags,they are junk and we could get fined.I have a fence covering the yard,but no more room for more cars.
Closest neighbor I have is a 1/4 mile away. Most of them have way more junk than I do. I can get away with a lot. Want to go shoot rabbits at 2 am? Ya sure go ahead.

One time I got a call from a neighbor lady. She asked if that was us who went flying buy her house in the off road car. Told her it was my dad. She said "well let me tell you. My son saw that car and just loved it". Can he come over some time and check it out?."

I don't ever want to go back to the track homes. There just not for me.
haha i like this thread. Im only 19 so I havnt been able to collect as many cars as many of you have but I have owned a few noise makers haha. 78 camaro with a built 350 and dronemasters(pissed off the neighbors alot), 89 ninja 600r, and of course my beloved 68 barracuda...which is currently supporting straight pipes...gotta love the middle finger from the neighbors. just makes my right foot heavier everytime i see the birdie haha
I need to move next door- then we can have adjoining "junk" yards!
Most I had back in my trailer park days was 6. 71 InViolet Cuda out front on the street under a nice car cover, 2 72 Demons in the drive way- Lemon Twist and Hemi Orange.
In back of the trailerwas a Rootbeer brown 71 383 Road Runner, 70 B5 Blue Duster, and a 70 Coronet 500 all but the RR ran and drove. Talk about pissing off some neighbors.
Sooner or later country ordinances will screw up your hobby stockpile, country or not.

Everywhere you go the noose tightens and city-like restrictions start to sprawl into the more rural areas as neighbors move in.

My county used to be cool, lotsa old cars in yards and such lotsa farms, but as the real estate grew, so did the ordinances to the point where if you even have a car parked with no tag in your yard, you get some fool to rat on you, then comes some fat *** donut eatin' country boy telling you you need to get your vehicle registered as he spits chew on your driveway.
Or if you have a dog tied in the yard (like we've done for centuries) so it won't run off, you get warnings, fines because it's illegal to tie your fuggin dog now because some asswipe's dumb *** dog hung himself somewhere up in liberalville or something ten years ago while chasing a cat.

But they will sure let them develop every inch of property in the county until there not a patch of grass left.