New 66 Dart owner



Hi just joined the site, hope to learn a bit about my lastest vehicle. Just bought a 1966 Dart 270 2 door a couple of days ago. It was one of those to good a deal to pass up moments, lol. It's starting to grow on me so I'm thinking of shoe horning in a 400 I have and tubing it. Figured as lite as it is drag car is the way to go.
Welcome aboard, and congrats on your purchase. Don't forget that these 66 and older A Bodies are narrower in the engine compartment that the 67 and later models. You CAN put a big block in there, but you'll run into a whole bunch of little problems, the biggest of which will be exhaust manifolds/headers. On the other hand, any of the LA small blocks drop right in there with a minimum of headaches, especially if it's an original 273 car. The 66 uses the same K Member for both the slant 6 and the V8's, so you just need engine mounts, a suitable matching tranny, and either manifolds or headers to complete the simple swap. Good luck.
Welcome to FABO and congrats on the 66 Dart purchase. There's quite a few of us 66 Dart owners here. Just like oldvart said the early A's are tricky to put a B/RB engine in. Small blocks are the way to go and with all the stroker technology there is now, you can have a 400+ cube small block in a small package. We will look foreward to hearing from you. toolman
Welcome to FABO. If you do manage to fit that big block in there, be sure to post progress pics. I haven't seen too may big block 63-66 Darts in my time. But either way, post pics of it as of now!
Welcome to this great site,and also to early A-bodies!Just got one myself,it,s my first early A.Lots of info. in the Early A-body forum and enjoy!!

trim 053.jpg
Bigdaddy, there is a post on page 2 asking for photos of big blocks in early A's.
Sounds like just what you're lookin' for. toolmanmike
Welcome for a fellow owner of a 66 Dart. You will find there are a few on this site, so getting info should be easy...Post a pic when you can, would love to see it.
Thanks all, the more I hear about the big block swap the more I start thinking about useing the 360 I have.
I,m gonna go s.block also,I have most of the add-ons already.Just have to get the block.I have a line on a runner for $300.
Welcome aboard BigDaddy! (It's about time I got to call somebody daddy on here hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!) We're glad to have you and your new score with us on the best Mopar site on the internet.