new member from toledo ohio


mark streib

Oct 12, 2010
Reaction score
toledo ohio
hi ,my name is mark streib,been a fan and collector of A B and E-body mopar ,[and a few lil reds]for 35 years ,i am kind of new to the computer world [real slow] FABO looks like a good source for parts,i also come up with some good stuff now and again,maybe sell some stuff i dont need and buy some stuff i do need ,thanks mark
Mopar to ya', got some A body buddies just down I-75 in Findlay...hope to see ya around.
Welcome Mark, it sounds like you have a lot of Mopar knowledge to share. I was slow getting with the whole computer age, but once I found this site, I decided it was a great thing. I hope you enjoy FABO as much as most of us do.
Hey Mark, this is Geof!!! I was wondering when you were going to get around to FABO!!! For any of those here who don't know Mark (probably most of you), he has been a great source of parts for many enthusiasts over the years. He is responsible for most of the cherry items that my little 66 is wearing now, saving them for me and bringing them to swaps when nobody even cared for the early A's. You are going to be a great asset to the members here, with information, parts and just good clean fun!!! Welcome again, you're amongst friends here!!! Geof