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Jan 3, 2009
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It have a 1970 Dodge dart swinger just makin a driver I'll have picks soon this is the same car I had at 16 for my first car I'm a little older and have a little better job but not by much I'm havin trouble finding a brake booster & master cylender the car was a /6 now has a 318 , headers,727, 8 3/4 with 355 gears I hope that some one can help me find the parts

The master cylinder should be easy to find at the local parts place a dime a dozen. You could even adapt over to the new aluminium type instead of the cast iron type MC. Now the brake booster might be another story. I have not had to look for one of those... I have manual brakes. Good luck!
Welcome to FABO jakeohio, post pictures of your Dart when you get a chance, we love pictures here. As for the brake booster, check the for sale ads, or try posting a wanted ad. I'm sure someone on the site will have one or know of where to get one.
If you can't find anything on Ebay or your local auto parts store, check your local junker.... Sometimes that place is a gold mine :D