


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
North Vancouver Island
thought that i should at least say hi insted of just lerking around. i just found this forum it's great to find one that is just for a-bodys. i own a 1965 Valaint custom100 (i know not to much of a strech for my name) it is an original V8 car as well its a 2dr hrd top. it has been siting for a couple of years :thumbsdown: well i was at school and well i finish my apprentice ship, sorry no pictures on digital yet as soon as i get some i will post
Glad you kick the habet of lerking and said hello,
the 65 valiant is a good find. :headbang:
Dont do what I did and sell it,I am still kicking myself for that. ](*,)
These guy's here can help,All you have to do is ask.
Welcome custom100.

Here is my 63 valiant I sold

63g resized.jpg
thanks for the welcome today is realy the first time i have had a chance to look around it this is great.
hay memike.1 i hope that you have been able to find another a-body to work on. i have to admit i have thought about selling the valaint but i know i would kick myself for doing it. though seeing and hearing the stores here are what keep me going with the thought that it will happen one day. as for the pictures the car is rough i think that the other two owners parked dy brail.
Welcome. 65 Valiants are cool cars. I have one but it is apart at the moment. got it for doing some work on a friends 66 Valiant. Post some pics when you get a chance, and hang out here as you wil learn alot form the guys and gals here.
OldVart said:
Jimmy boy, he's from North Vancouver Island, so you better take him under your wing and get yet another Valiant on the road to recovery. :)

Yah-hoooo :wav:
thanks guys for the welcome sorry it's taken so long to post but i got sent up to our bella coola base to help look after some helicopters that we have heli skiing up there. ausome pictures of your cars, i'm hoping to learn a lot and also not have my head up my a** to much
Welcome to the site and Happy Birthday.. where abouts are you on the island.

Heres my 66


hay cerwin thanks, i'v seen your pictures on here and have been admiring your car. at this time i'm living and working in Port McNeill, though my car is closer it still is at my parents in Sidney.
Welcome to the best damn A body site on the 'net!!!!

...from a fellow Custom 100 owner....

When you gonna come down south and see us Vic folks?
hi 65val i'm gona have to agrea with you on this being the best damn (can we say that on a family site..... oh well) A body site on the Net :thumbup: .

i have to say your custom puts mine to shame

as for coming down to vic. i think that traci and i are coming down towards the end of march after i get back from bella coola. i'll drop you guys a line when i know the date's for sure.
custom100 said:
hay cerwin thanks, i'v seen your pictures on here and have been admiring your car. at this time i'm living and working in Port McNeill, though my car is closer it still is at my parents in Sidney.

oh right we went thru this ddint we..
what are you doing in port mcneil??
falling trees? i mean theres nothing else to do out there.. guess you could fish, and hunt.. i guess.
cerwin i think that we did, but in a different thread i think. but as for up here on the north island i'm growing and selling mar...... no wait i'd actualy be making money if i did that. i am working at west coast helicopters as an apprentice ame (aircraft manetinance engineer), we moved here from dawson creek in june of last year.