I had an initial thread that helped me through a blowing fuse issue and that is all resolved now. Thank you so much. Now I'm trying to solve an issue where there is no crank from the ignition switch to the starter. I checked for voltage with the key in crank to the ignition yellow wire on the relay to which stops there. Key on sends voltage through the resistor to the ignition module to the coil to the distributor. So that appears good. The key on from some research it appears that the NSS grounds the relay when in park. Even though, I still don't have crank. I have 12 volts running through the starter, to the relay, to which goes through to the switch and the alternator. There appears to ne an issue where the NSS is bad, the relay isn't grounding or is bad. I can crank the starter when crossing the battery and solinoid pins on the relay. Any thoughts?