Not charging



Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2011
Reaction score
Bloomington, MN
How do you know if it's the VR or the alternator if your not getting sufficient charge? This last weekend we took the 65 Dart down the river for an overnite stay in La Crosse, WI. I knew my battery was getting bad but didn't realize it was really bad till it crapped out half way there. Thought my alternator would keep it charged up through the summer, but nope! Got a new battery in Winona and noticed gauge was still discharging. Anyway the next day at home tested system and alternator was bad only 12.2 going out. I thought it might be VR but how would you know if VR wasn't working? I always carry a spare just in case, I actually had a alternator at home but didn't bring it.
You could check the voltage on the upper connector (screw) on the VR, (assuming one field wire) it should be greater than 0 V , probably in the 6 to 8 volt range at low charge rate, closer to 12v at higher charge rate.
Test by
bypassin the regulator
and see what the system voltage is
and/or, briefly increase the throttle to 1200 rpm and see if the ammter shows increasing charge or not.
Turn the ignition on, not started.
Take a piece of iron, screwdriver, wrench, whatever, and pass it in front of the alt pulley.
If regulator, brushes, and wiring are good, - there will be strong magnetic attraction to the alt prlley/shaft.
No magnetism, - brush or regulator prob.
Strong magnetism, not charging, - is likely rectifier. (Diodes).
Quick, side of the road check.
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