Odd Ball Part Needed.

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Apr 26, 2008
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I'm just in the process of POR15'ing the interior of my Dart and painting the engine bay. I'm hoping to start putting the fire wall back together and noticed yet another missing part on this project I bought. I need the arm that connects the wiper motor to the linkage under the dash. It looks like one of the many previous owners misplaced that as well as the other bits I've had to track down. Anyone have a parts car or one kicking around? I have pay pal and am sure no one reproduces that piece.


Wiper pitman arm. It may be dangling from the linkage inside. The aren't all the same either. Early pivot points had bronze bushings where later have nylon ball sockets. I dont recall what year they changed.
Make sure the motor shaft etc.. is in the correct position when attaching. I saw the wipers go the wrong way and damage the paint on a hood once (AMC Hornet).
I have one along with the nut and captured washer to attach it to the wiper motor, removed from a '72 Scamp.

Here's the nylon version, which I do NOT have anymore:

I'll have a look at mine and see if the one you have is the right one, I'll get back to you.

The post has two flat sides and the hole in the arm is 3/4" in diameter.

The arm in the above pic is the same as the one I have- same part number and all. I think the same arm was used for both setups.

I suspect you need the white nylon bushing and clip as shown above for your car, but I'm no A-body expert, so maybe someone can chime in and state what's correctly needed.
I'm willing to try it if you think it will work. How much do you want for it? Will I need to track down the nylon washer and clip or do you have that as well?

Thanks a Ton

I will take a look at the salvage yard tomorrow and see if I can find you the nylon bushing. All I have is the arm. I'll update this thread tomorrow...
Ok, found one. I will clean it up, take a picture, and PM you.

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