Oil Filters


This is the best pic I can find but can just barely see an Orange oil filter down there. Its a Fram HP 1, have used Fram HP 1 (it has the anti drain back valve also) for years and years of bracket racing. The motor would idle @ 80 PSI and go over 100 PSI over 3,500 RPM. The case is thicker and the O-Ring is two to three times thicker than a regular fram, always slept good at night knowing it was there, never a problem, wouldnt dream of using anything else!!!
My daily driver with 346K miles gets an AC/Delco filter, once again with the anti drain back valve, the best little invention ever IMO.
They all look pretty much the same to me. What you can't see is what makes the difference. Like what is the micron size of the filter paper? You can't tell by looking and the other thing is what is the bypass pressure? The bypass springs (on the ones that have one) seem similar too.
I was told years ago by a oil filter rep that there are only 3 manufacturing companies world wide that make the filters for everyone (could be 4 now as this was several years ago). One of those companies was Knight or Kneicht who makes the majority of import filters like Bosch and Toyota and that Fram, AC, Purolator, and most of your private label filters is made by Wix and I forget who he said the 3rd company is.
It all boils down to what specs they request.
I personally use Fram but not because they are better but because they have one of the lowest pressure bypass springs. Since my oil gets changed every month during the summer I am more concerned with not blowing my filter off my motor , or the seal out of the filter. (I have high oil pressure especially when cold).