Old man new to site



Active Member
Jan 11, 2009
Reaction score
New York
Just found this site. I've been mopar since I was 16. My first car was a 73 Dart Sport 318 4 speed - with the 318 torque 3.09 first gear and 3.55 rear it was a stop light maniac. Sold this for $50 in 1989 with almost 300k on it. Then a 66 dart convertible /6 auto for commuting and lost it on veterns day 1993 to pack of kamakazi deer on route 11. Then in 96 I got my current A body - 68 GTS Conv. 340 Auto. Its been apart for a couple of years. I had frame connectors put in by Rust Tec in RI. Now I'm looking at the 5.7 (i don't think you can beat the power to weight of this engine) with a plan on using my 4 speed w/ my wide ratio /6 gears. Does anyone know what junk yard 5.7's are going for in the north east? I also recently read that the GTS (power bulge) hood is being reproducted in fiberglass, any know who makes them? I've also got an 83 ram w/ a /6 and OD 4 speed which I put a pinto progressive 2bbl carb on, in case anyone is interested in that kind of thing.

For a gear head the A body Mopars have more potential than any car ever made.

"Whats that smell? I just stepped on a piece of chevy!"
Welcome Old man
We have kamakazi deer around here too
Glad to have you with us, From one old fart to another.
We have some of the best of the best tec's here and some great folks.
So take a look around and make your self at home phwx2.
Welcome Old Man. You can find out anything about Mopars here. Most all a body stuff has rusted away here in Northeast but for a few.