one of the things that makes America great


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
I had a thought last of the main things I like about America......something that is often taken for granted yet they are always there ......24/7 365 .......the 24 hour Gas station.

the one close by to me is a 24 and I love it ......I regular there at night when im on my way to work so im usually in there in odd hours of the night ....and its the only place I know that you can get Nachos, Beef jerky, a chedderwurst hot dog, chips, pop....all at 3 or 4 in the morning ....they even have firewood, not that I buy it there but still makes you feel warm knowing its available. plus they are brightly lit and safe ...the one near me always has Sheriff officers in there at those hours so even I can go in there and feel ok and most of the officers and clerks know me by name and why im in there at that time. They have a microwave and chairs and tables to eat and hang out.......its so awesome.


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Rani........Indian........loves 7-11...........hee hee..

I gotta admit, it's nice knowing they're around.....I've even bought medicine there late at night, but I'm not exactly confident in eating those hot dogs that roll around in that machine for hours. They usually sell Mopar magazines too. :)
I agree, unfortunately to make that happen, people need to man those stations, 24/7/365. That includes Thanksgiving day, Christmas day, and other holidays that are important to us. I don't think we ever give the people who do those jobs enough credit or thanks.

Some goes for any 24 hour operation, including medical, police and fire.
Its a great thing 24/7....but no 7/11's in my area.....When I see a 7/11 I think of Apu and the Kwik-E-Mart :glasses7:

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ok, WOW ....when I started this I didn't even think of the stereotype

its hilarious though.

at my "7/11" I regular its all guys like Steve, Kevin and Stan that work there....but I have seen in bigger cities why the stereotype exists.

I just like gas stations because that is where I get my dinner at 4 a.m.

and Mr. cudavert .....the hot dogs on the rollers are awesome ....they rotate them and I know because if I catch them at the time they rotate ......the one guy named Stan lets me have the ones they are rotating out for free I know for a fact they rotate them for freshness.

you guys are funny
I have reservation about eating hotdogs anyway let
alone ones that have rotated all day and are free.:puke:

Just thinking about all those people the running in and out breathing, burping, farting and touching around that stuff makes my skin crawl.
I think the smoky[ing] flavor/smell covers all that up.

Having said all that AMERICA is great!!!:salute:

Free day old hot hotdogs......not so much
Can't smoke those tires leav'n the 7-11 with the sheriff there....
OK, for us older generation, there were no 24/7/365 operations, stations closed at like 9 or 10, no 24 hour grocery stores.

It is nice now, to be able to go get just about anything you need at almost anytime of the day or night!
Luv the 24/7 gas station. Great place to buy Christmas presents on Christmas eve!...not that I've ever done that...well, ok, maybe once...just a few stocking stuffers!
I have not seen a 7-11 in years, we have JR. Foods and Gas Marts.. 24/7 is a good thing and the same here, we have Police setting at them in these late and early hours..
Coffee and a biscuit opened up with scrambled eggs on it with gravy over it for me.....................Fill up the tank and bring the car back home warm for my wife to drive :cheers: It might be time to look at your diet, but I did the same back in the day, Hot Dogs are very bad for anyone.. But they do the trick I bet :D enjoy your cool place Rani, glad you have a safe place where people know who you are, it feels good I bet :D
Those 7-11 Hot dogs are the best. When I was still working I ate hundreds of them and they never once made me sick.That being said I did pay one price for eating them....I am now as big around as I am tall. :)
Wow, funny coincidence...turned to the History channel earlier, they had a story on how the 7-11 store
Wow, funny coincidence...turned to the History channel earlier, they had a story on how the 7-11 store

if only they told the truth , ive heard the horror stories , especially about the "fresh" "grill" food . ive had friends that worked in those places :violent1:

I would never eat any thing from there that wasn't packaged LOL :coffee2:
We have Sheetz gas stations around here (a regional franchise). Open 24/7, I'm in there pretty often getting a snack, a cup of coffee, or filling up one of the thirsty monsters. Great food too, takes a little while for your order cause they make it on the spot as its ordered, but man is it good and worth a little wait.

It's one of only 2 stations in town that actually sell diesel fuel too, and they have a free air pump set up in the parking lot for anyone who needs to air up their tires (Every other station charges you)
ok, WOW ....when I started this I didn't even think of the stereotype

its hilarious though.

at my "7/11" I regular its all guys like Steve, Kevin and Stan that work there....but I have seen in bigger cities why the stereotype exists.

I just like gas stations because that is where I get my dinner at 4 a.m.

and Mr. cudavert .....the hot dogs on the rollers are awesome ....they rotate them and I know because if I catch them at the time they rotate ......the one guy named Stan lets me have the ones they are rotating out for free I know for a fact they rotate them for freshness.

you guys are funny

We have stripes gas and convienence stores in abilene tx. Inside they have the laredo taco company. Fresh breakfast burritos on home made tortillas.
I'm living only one block away from Hamburgs redlight-district, St.Pauli and the Reeperbahn.

Since 1949 the gas-station is opened, since 1958 24/7 at 365, and it never was closed for only a minute...

Now, it has to close because the houses in the backyard have to be broken down and there will be no renewing of a permission...

Some facts: 50 employes, at weekends 10.000 customers/night

It's german, but maybe even without understanding the language you will get some impressions of it...

I'm living only one block away from Hamburgs redlight-district, St.Pauli and the Reeperbahn.

Since 1949 the gas-station is opened, since 1958 24/7 at 365, and it never was closed for only a minute...

Now, it has to close because the houses in the backyard have to be broken down and there will be no renewing of a permission...

Some facts: 50 employes, at weekends 10.000 customers/night

It's german, but maybe even without understanding the language you will get some impressions of it...

All those folks coming out of the redlight district after getting their freak on, needing some post coital eats , smokes, a drink, and gas for their car. Perfect location. ;-)
Oh and b00bs make America great.
We have a local 7/11's and circle K's the one near me has no table and chairs or any extras
Just junk food and sodas oh and beer. Outside homeless guys beg for alcohol and cigarette money. They claim it's for food and or the buss but everyone knows what they do with said change...... I've sat across the street and watched to see what they do with it. When I do give its food from inside the store and I wait and watch them eat it so I know they're at least not starving. Won't support their habits.....
Ha! The deputies AND Sheriff in our county would tell you to light um up.

Xs2 here too ....especially the farther away you get from the main city and out towards the farms.

and I checked last night ....they are NOT day old hot dogs ...they are required by the health dept. to rotate out every few hours so for a hot dog to get to a day old is not possible ....that and there is usually a turn over ....some models of hot dogs sell out faster so those are always fresh.