Only took about 2100 pics at 2018 Carlisle Chrysler show


Jim 68cuda

Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2010
Reaction score
I think I took closer to 2500 pictures last year, but I may have managed to cover more territory then. I skipped all the 80's and newer stuff this year. For those that can view albums on Facebook, here are links to the photos:

Thursday vendor area, car corral, cruise in and Hurst Nationals:
2018 Chrysler Carlisle Thursday 7/12 | Facebook

Friday vendor area, car corral, trucks and part of the show field:
2018 Chrysler Carlisle Friday 7/13 | Facebook

Saturday we spent all day walking the show field, so Saturday's pictures are divided into two albums:
2018 Chrysler Carlisle Sat. 7/14 1st half | Facebook

2018 Chrysler Carlisle Sat. 7/14 2nd half | Facebook
Nicely done sir! Thanks for sharing. I found me sitting behind my son's car in the

Found my Fury in the 2nd half from Saturday. ...
Lots of great cars and great pics, thats for all the effort to take them and post em up.

Love that '69 GTX, silver with red interior, torque thrusts with redlines. Great combo.