Oops...I Did It Again (brake hone)



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Yes, please forgive me, went to a Brittney Spears concert in San Diego ciirca 2005. Only thing i remember besides the lip singing is my eardrums hurt at the time with all the screaming. Never again.

Now to the subject at hand. I am a little out of practice with the brake cylinder hone. Must have "pulled out too soon" because the stones went flying and destroyed themselves. I was cleaning up the lifter bores in a 340 this morning at the time. Only got three done when this occured.

This is why I use only ball hones.

I found ball stones don't do anything to "fair/straighten" a cyl wall.
Ball stone is fine to deglaze a straight surface, won't take irregularities out.
Stones let you see when you have total contact all the way round.
jm experience, was the way I was taught, and can't remember an over-fender re-ring coming back, maybe cuza that.
I found ball stones don't do anything to "fair/straighten" a cyl wall.
Ball stone is fine to deglaze a straight surface, won't take irregularities out.
Stones let you see when you have total contact all the way round.
jm experience, was the way I was taught, and can't remember an over-fender re-ring coming back, maybe cuza that.
Well of course not. That's not what they're designed for. The type stone hones in the picture above are also not designed to straighten a cylinder. But then, we're not talking about engine cylinders in this thread.
I don't deglaze my lifter bores , Rusty, I run a few passes of the stone hone to check for irregularities in the cyl walls, any tight spots, scuff, gouges, that'd lose oil pressure, or tighten up with temp.
Never lost a lifter/lobe yet, found lotsa bores needing dressing or bushing tho.
I'll keep using hydraulics till I have a failure.
All telltale signs are obliterated and made useless with a ball hone, has been my experience.