Our Water Is Contaminated



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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Woke up this morning to find out our water has a toxin in it caused by algee. The algee bloom in Lake Erie happens every year but this year is the worst.
We have 1 case of bottled water but I'll have to try and find more tomorrow because there now saying it might last for more than a week.
Toxins from algae can be very dangerous. Is your water from a well or a treatment plant? If a treatment plant, what level is it?
Heard that on the news, hope it's safe to drink again soon. If you can't find any water, I can ship you a case of bottled water if that helps...good luck.
Geez, your water is contaminated.
California doesn't have any water.
Were all screwed, here in America, in the water department. :sad:
I don't know the exact number PPM the water has but it's just over the safe level.
Our water does come from a treatment plant but there is no way they can clean it.
Thanks for the offer to ship me a case, but the chain stores are diverting water shipments from other parts of the country and bringing the here. We should be good tomorrow.
Just pisses me off that the people in charge were told this was going to happen for 10 years, but of course they did nothing.
It is very difficult to control/eliminate algae blooms. Its not always the treatment facilities fault. Sometimes blooms are a result of citizens, farmers, industries and contaminated effluent. We are all responsible for keeping contaminants out of our lakes streams rivers etc...
I sympathize with you, to me its funny how water is taken for granted, but nothing on this planet can survive without it.
The thing is, it's been happening far more than ten years. This is just the worst it's ever been, from what I've read. So as usual, gubmint dropped the ball again. They've had plenty of time to come up with treatment. All our elected officials are interested in doing is making sure their own pockets stay lined.
It is very difficult to control/eliminate algae blooms. Its not always the treatment facilities fault. Sometimes blooms are a result of citizens, farmers, industries and contaminated effluent. We are all responsible for keeping contaminants out of our lakes streams rivers etc...
I sympathize with you, to me its funny how water is taken for granted, but nothing on this planet can survive without it.

I disagree in this case. They've had much over a decade to figure it out. They should've done it.
Agree or disagree, no matter. WE create the problem(pollution, phosphorous in water etc) and THEY have to fix it....cancer has been around for how long?? No fix for that yet, so who's fault is that?
Everything I've read about it says it's naturally occurring.
Lots of folks coming upto Canada (Windsor) today to buy water. We've got lots, if you need some.

Algae can grow naturally BUT contaminants such as phosphates(laundry soap) can help them grow.

Agreed, but is there evidence to support that this particular time? I've read about zero.
You can order cases water on Amazon and have them overnighted to your house. A few have free shipping with Amazon Prime, which the first month of that is free.

From what I've seen and from what I've heard from people I know up there, the water is all getting bought up very fast, even from the surrounding towns. Prices are being increased as well, or so I heard.
Got plenty up here. Lets build a tunnel!

I wish the powers in charge of our lives in government would get off their asses and do something like that.
Bring water from where there's an abundance, to places where there isn't.
It just may have to come to something like that.
But then it's always going to be too late.
In our case, the problem is entirely man made. Caused by high concentrations of phosphorous and nitrogen from over fertilized farm fields, livestock farms, laundry soap, golf courses, sewage treatment plants, and residential yards. The Maumee River watershed is large and it all drains right into the shallow end of Lake Erie. It was just a matter of time till this would happen. Every spring the warnings come out and every year there ignored We've just been lucky so far.
Got plenty up here. Lets build a tunnel!

Be careful what you are offering.

They sucked the Colorado River dry, do you want them to do the same to your water supply?

they tried to propose a pipeline to pump water from the midwest to the west, but it got turned down. If you want our water, move here and pay the taxes for it....

If you get too many people on the water supply, it will be sucked dry and then WE will need a new water supply.
I wish the powers in charge of our lives in government would get off their asses and do something like that.
Bring water from where there's an abundance, to places where there isn't.

Or why not move to a place that has a good supply of clean water?
In our case, the problem is entirely man made. Caused by high concentrations of phosphorous and nitrogen from over fertilized farm fields, livestock farms, laundry soap, golf courses, sewage treatment plants, and residential yards. The Maumee River watershed is large and it all drains right into the shallow end of Lake Erie. It was just a matter of time till this would happen. Every spring the warnings come out and every year there ignored We've just been lucky so far.

The problem is people are so self-centered that they don't care until it becomes a problem.
krazykuda, you mention the Colorado river. Brother lives in Lakewood since the '70's, so he's been there in that area many years. Anyway, even though the Colorado river starts there, it's over the divide, not easy to pump over. That and the fact the downstreamers at times have more rights to the water than the state where the source is. Water IS a big deal, especially out west where there is a severe drought in a lot of places.