overcharging problem



New Member
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Austin, Texaas
Ho new to thread . Will do my best not to speak out of my a---- with everyone

Have 67 cuda
Overcharging showing on alternator gauge , never goes below midpoint.
Have done a very careful bulkhead connector and wiring replacement and then switched to mech adv disy

Changed voltage regulator ( because did not know what I was doing) , and no effect. INterestingly with load( AC on , Lights on ) - no effect , does not go below midline on gauge.

Checked field wires from alternator , still overcharging .
Is there a difference with field wires as to which one goes to lateral and middle terminals of voltage regulator?

Previously Changed from vacuum idsy with MSD box( white wire connection) to mech adv MSD disy used magnetic trigger wire, (white wire not used. )

WIred according to instructions , MSD red wire to AC source wire ( ie box on when key to run position)

When key in start position , box would not work , so used + coil wire from bulkhead connector combined with AC wire to MSD red wire , fires fine .

Can this cause overcharging indication on guage

Any solutions appreciated
First off, welcome aboard!!
Just to clarify the reading on your gage, do you mean the needle is holding in the middle of the gage or it is holding halfway between the far right and the middle?
The middle of the gage is good. To the left is discharging and to the right is charging. Dennis