Which turquoise?
For '65 I see Turquoise, Bermuda Turquoise, Desert Turquoise, Frost Turquoise, Royal Turquoise...
Honestly, I'd just order touch up paint in an acrylic enamel (local jobber or online supplier) in pints and spray cans.
Acrylic enamels won't attack the plastic like laquers do, but I honestly don't know about urethanes.
Another option would be to take a paint chip of your color to the store and spend some time going through all the nail polish brands and colors, they can be thinned and sprayed with an airbrush. But be careful with them, since most are laquer based- use a good primer/sealer first to avoid crazing the plastic.
If the A990 is a resin cast kit you may not have that problem; but the L700 is styrene, so be careful.