Pay attention when you drive.

I could not watch the whole thing ..especially when children were involved ... 1 city in Michigan just passed a law .. NO texting , eating , putting on eye make-up , talking on phone ... etc...must have 2 hands on wheel ... OR you will be pulled over and ticketed ...
people just need to diligently pay attention to whatever they are doing, always thinking of what could go wrong and what to do to prevent it.
people just need to diligently pay attention to whatever they are doing, always thinking of what could go wrong and what to do to prevent it.

Isn't that what we were taught in Driving School? I know I was.

We have the "Hands Free" law here in BC, but it's amazing how many people I still see with that gawdawful gadget up to their head. I just blast my horn at them, but they're usually oblivious to anything other than themselves. Selfish Bastages. :angry7:
It doesn't matter if you're on a cell phone , eating or playing with the stereo.Just plain pay attention to your driving.
Some people get in their vehicle and seem like they get tunnel vision they aren't aware of things that are going on around them. The worst are the sight seers.

I'm a surveyor and work on or near highways and other roadways. The amount of people I see driving and not paying attention to signage in work zones is alarming.
The signs , flashing lights, cones, barrels and bright safety vests are not there just to tick people off. They are there for safety of the workers and the drivers. You have to remember there is equipment and trucks in those areas too.

This wasn't in a work zone but two of my co- workers and I were pull off a two lane highway which has a lot of 18 wheeler traffic on a side road having lunch and heard what sounded like an explosion. We went to check
it out.A grain truck hit a van with four elderly people in it who ran a stop sign. It wasn't a pretty sight I won't go into detail, but the truck drive was the only one to survive.

Sorry for being so long winded.
Please be careful.
seen this and....this pisses me off!!!!!!!!

I'm so tired of this hypothetical insincere yanking of heart strings

Agreed... It ranks right up there with the "This is your brain on drugs" commercial and all the anti-meth commercials littering the airwaves.
And what about these kids that drive while they are almost laying down.... How can you do that. Sit up so you can see what's going on around you.