Permanent Drain Hole or Plugged Hole?



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
This question pertains both to the '65 Formula S and '65 Valiant convertible now in the back yard. I now the larger 2 3/4 inch holes are plugged. But is this pair of one inch holes in the underbody of the floor kept open or did the factory plug them also? Thank you.

one inch drain or plug.JPG

hole or plug 2.JPG
In for the same. Was under the car yesterday and wondered if they need plugs. It looks like a nice crap trap for road debris.
In for the same. Was under the car yesterday and wondered if they need plugs. It looks like a nice crap trap for road debris.
Yeah, I just looked at mine... Same, I don't have them either
I would say any hole that doesn't have a designed in grain path should be plugged.

One of my pet peeves is when someone sprays undercoat on the rockers plugging the designed in drain holes. 67 dart convertibles drain water from the top to the rocker area where it is supposed to drain out from there.
My 63 does not have them and appears to have never had them either.
My 66 has those holes. I always thought they were strange because they're inaccessible from the top. I just plugged them with caps from the bottom and called it good.
If its the cavity under the rear seat area, no plugs in those holes.