Pinion snubber for 741?



Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2019
Reaction score
Far Out, USA
How important is it to have a pinion snubber on the rear axle? Is there a difference between the snubber for a 741 & 742 axle? Our '70 Duster 340 does not have one and we were wondering whether to get one or not.

Also, the HD leaf springs do not have any bands/straps around the layers? Should there be any (from the factory)? There is the retaining hole for them on the bottom leaf at 4 locations (one ahead and one behind the axle on each side).

Thanks for the help.
No difference between 741-742-489 as far as snubber mount.Mancini sells the leaf spring strap kit if you want to install it.I would say yes on the straps.
8.75" pinion snubbers are year (not body style) specific for cars. '60s vans used a longer version.

'65-'67 flat on top
'68-'69 rib on top
'70-'72 short (above)
'73-'74 short with push on snubber (not crimped on)