Port matching question 302 casting heads


qwk dust

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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I am still undecided on exactly how we are going to build our '74 Duster and am trying to get the best idea I can of options. If I keep the 318 and build it I want to run an Edelbrock RPM Air Gap manifold so I will have to port the 302 casting 318 heads I already have so there is not a big step from the manifold to the heads. My question is...Can I just port match the heads to the 340/360 intake gasket or do I have to spray paint down the manifold while the heads are connected to a shop vac to get a paint line of where to port? Even better, does anybody have a template to port the 302 heads to so a 340/360 maniforld would work?
I do have the 587 J heads I just bought but from what my research is saying the 302 with the closed chamber and better quench are a better option if the 1.88/1.60 valves are just put in them.
I always just put the gaskets on the heads then mark what need to be ported, Better be careful don't go no bigger the 302's are thin.My 318 is faster with the 360 heads than it was with the 302's,But you'll get alot of differnt opions there but i like the 360 heads better my block is zerodecked which helps
I just used 360 intake gaskets I ordered from Summit to mark where to port....then I carefully opened the intake runner inlet to Scribed Lines of the Gasket....I also used a RPM Air Gap....Cake.

I went ahead and bought some gaskets. Looks like a good deal of grinding to match that intake gasket! Time to learn how to port I guess. thanks.

Looks like you need one of these....
I used a Pnuematic Die Grinder and a Carbide Cutting Bit...make sure not to POLISH the intake port...it causes puddling and needs the rough finish to turbulate the air fuel mixture!
Wow, Big picture.. I got this little mini one in a kit at Lowes. Looks to be pretty easy to control. I guess we will see.

Thanks for the hint on the intake side. I had read that earlier and plan on polishing the exhaust side only.