porting 587 heads....



Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2004
Reaction score
Luling, LA
I have a friend porting a set of 587 heads for my new 340. I was just wondering if the bump in the exhaust can be ground down without running into any holes?

i'm talking about the one on the floor. from what i have read it doesnt mess with flow 1 cfm, so I am going \to leave it
17Dartandbroke, thats fine if you want to leave it...but it is very easily removed . couple of minutes with the grinder...remember...for every foot of air(cfm) its 2.06 horsepower. FYI. :salut:
Don't mean to hijack the post. But it is kinda related!

Has anyone machined the spring seats on specifically 308 of 576 heads to get additional installed spring height? If so, how much.

I realize core shift may affect the thickness a bit and the castings may be too different from the earlier heads to use them as a reference. But I'm trying to find how much or how little material is there.
The hump on the bottom should be cleaned up thats all. Taking that out makes the flow take a hard turn. Work the top and polish the c chambers. About 4 or 5 hours a head is good.