Porting some 596 heads



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 7, 2005
Reaction score
With all the crap that happened recently, I decided to take out my frustrations on a set of 596 heads. I haven't ported a head in 20+ years, never done a pair of SB mopars, and the last set I did was a pair of BB Chevy heads running a huge roller.

I messed up one port at the pushrod pinch and laid back the short turn too much on two. The laid back short turn was from my memory of what worked on a BBC head and this one won't be running near the camshaft that Chevy ran. I bet I messed up the low-mid range flow, but, Oh well, that's what epoxy is for to reshape it. :-D

I did all of it with a 3/8 tree bit, nothing else. Could have used a 1/4" and 3/8" round end cylinder and a 1/4" ball. What do you want from a borrowed bit.
Heres a few pictures of some 915 j heads that a fellow member lead69 ported
for us and we just got back last nite. He did a great job. and I have a new respect for you guys willing to cut into your heads, its truly a art form.

duster 035 (Medium).jpg

duster 046 (Medium).jpg

duster 049 (Medium).jpg

duster 052 (Medium).jpg
I can appreciate the work you did, especially in the roof of the int. runners. Lots of metal to remove there! Now for the bowls...