Not the way to test brakes.
If the brake needs to be pumped up to hold, the pad is too far away from the disk. The pad should be skimming the disk at all times. If you spin the wheel you should hear scuffing of the pad.
My money is on the rear disks being not adjusted propperly.
When you test the brakes...
Get all 4 wheels up in the air.
Apply the brakes, 1 pedal press and release.
Rotate the front wheels and listen for scuffing.
Rotate the rears and listen for scuffing
Make note of what you hear.
Have helper apply the brakes (single press) and hold, no need to stand on the pedal.
You go out and attempt to rotate each wheel. Note your findings.
This is a prime example of:
"The parts you don't add, don't cause you no problem"
KISS " Keep it simple stupid"