Power steering pump for 68 Dart



New Member
Mar 12, 2017
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Tarpon Springs
My 68 Dart pump is leaky and I cant seem to find anyone in my area to fix it. Does anyone have an idea as to where I can either get a new one or fix this one? Thanks.
The kits are cheap. Where is it leaking? The reservoir seal is a large O-ring and the easiest to change. No special tools required. the shaft seal behind the pulley requires a special puller to remove the pulley for access.
The kits are cheap. Where is it leaking? The reservoir seal is a large O-ring and the easiest to change. No special tools required. the shaft seal behind the pulley requires a special puller to remove the pulley for access.
Thanks for the info. I'm new to this car but hopefully will figure this out.
The kit includes a bushing and a seal and a bunch of O rings.
There are videos on YouTube that detail pump renew. It isn't totally simple but doable.
The main things,,, watch closely at how parts are placed before removal, which side is up, which way the arrow points, stuff like that. Take pics if needed.
Don't damage the reservoir!
Those who made the videos wont go to any effort to protect that fluid return tube or even mention it possibly being damaged. You don't want to crack it.
Mark the cam, plates, rotor etc, so, they go back in the correct orientation. They have already worn together in a set pattern.