Prayers for my Sister Please



Nov 15, 2005
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On Tuesday, late afternoon my nephew came home from college (he's 19) said he didn't feel feel well and went for a nap. His sister went to wake him up and couldn't so she called 911. He was dead by the time they arrived.

He was a really, really good kid who didn't have an enemy in the world and treated everyone he met with respect. He didn't drink or drug and certainly was not suicidal. So far the cause of death is a mystery and the coroner said it may be 8 weeks until they know something.

Please say a prayer for my sister Mary and her husband Glen. I can't even imagine what they are going through.


Ramcharger Joe
Prayers going out this morning for your family Joe
this will be very hard to deal with and understand why something like this could happen.
Damn. Just damn. You got it Joe. Prayin hard here.
Terrible terrible terrible!!!! What a unbelievable thing to have happen! I hope finding out the reason might help make some sense of it all. My prayers go out to to all those who are hurting over this!
Hopefully the cause will be found. Prayers are sent. Absolutely horrible, sorry to hear this news.
sorry to hear especially someone this young, couldn't imagine this happening to one of my own, prayers sent, Joe
Wow, I can't imagine the pain they are going through. I have a 19 yr old son. I will keep them in my prayers..
Sorry to hear thoughts and prayers are with your entire family. Friends and family will help them get through this tough time.
Terrible news. Very sorry to hear about this. Cant even imagine the pain they are going through. Prayers sent.
So sorry to hear of your family's loss, Joe. As a parent, I can't imagine the pain of losing a child - no matter what their age.
Our thoughts and prayers are on the way.
Prayers sent. Can´t imagine the pain you have at these hard times, my thoughts are with your family.
Very sorry for the loss Joe, no kid deserves that but he must have been needed somewhere else :angel5:

I will pray for your family
Thank you everyone and I can only hope that God sees fit to soothe thier broken hearts.

Here's to you Brandon. You were a good kid, maybe too good for this earth. I hope you can now help others as was your only goal when going to college. God Speed buddy and say "Hi" to my mom, dad and brother for me. Don't forget to tap me on the shoulder if I start riding stupid on the bike. ;)

[ame=""]YouTube - Eric Clapton ♫KNOCKING ON HEAVEN'S DOOR[/ame]
Very sorry for the loss Joe, no kid deserves that but he must have been needed somewhere else :angel5: ....

That's what we keep telling each other. I think there's a Grand Plan that we're just not privy to until we pass the pearly gates. I'm trying to think that I didn't loose a nephew but gained an Angel. It'll probably take all of them to keep me from doing stupid stuff until it's my turn. One thing about life is that no one gets out alive.

Here's another one for you Brandon. (ramcharger takes a big swig of whiskey and sobs a bit...)

[ame=""]YouTube - Angel[/ame]

Sorry for the outburst all, just trying to rationalize and make sense of this. I feel much better now. Thanks for listening. Once again this is not about me but for Mary and Glen. I love you guys and I'm here for you.

Brandon, my first ride in the mountains will be dedicated to you my friend.

[ame=""]YouTube - "Dreams" - The Allman Brothers Band - FULL[/ame]