Prayers needed for my wife please!



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Jul 11, 2011
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Eastampton, NJ
My wife just found out that she has several lumps in her breast and needs a biopsy.

Please pray for her and ask God to keep it from being cancer.

Many thanks my friends!!!
You got it bud. There ARE such things as benign lumps. Prayers sent your way.
Prayers from here for sure. My wife is a brain cancer survivor.
Keep up the positive attitude. Treatment has come a long way in recent years. My wife went through breast cancer, had one breast removed and after the surgery was done they told me she had 8 months if that, so prepare the boys. That was 20 years ago. If your wife has cancer, your attitude is the most important part of her treatment. My prayers are with you and your wife. Keeps us posted. God bless.
Thank you my friends! This means a lot to me and especially my wife. I think she believed that we only talk about cars, so she was surprised to know that you all are praying for her. She does appreciate it!!!
Prayers sent! I'm not sorry if I offend anyone, but I do believe that God controls this universe and he does listen to our prayers!

God bless you and your family!!!
I had a lot of people praying for me when I went through my cancer ordeal.
I'm extreamly glad to send a prayer for the best of out come for your wife.
Prayers being sent for your wife and you, through this ordeal. As already said,
a very positive attitude can go a long way! All the best!!