Random Thermoquad Carb


340 RR

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2022
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Hello everyone. I'm taking on a little project which involves rebuilding this Thermoquad carb in pretty bad condition. It's not a very sought after model but I'm just doing it for the practice. I'm a bit confused as to how to remove the linkages on one side of the carb. In the pic attached, I have scribbled in 4 blue arrows. 3 of them are pointing to some rectangular-looking tabs and the last arrow is near the center pointing down to a circular piece with an indent for a flathead. Do the tabs or that circular piece come out? If they don't, what gets removed? I'm trying to split up the top, middle, and bottom parts of the carb to clean each one. Thanks everyone!

For what you are pointing to on the top, I take the top of the carb off and turn it upside down and then take out the linkage from the hole.

IIRC the other things you are pointing to can all stay together.

Quick tip: don’t forget about the screws in the choke horn that hold the top on.
Hello everyone. I'm taking on a little project which involves rebuilding this Thermoquad carb in pretty bad condition. It's not a very sought after model but I'm just doing it for the practice. I'm a bit confused as to how to remove the linkages on one side of the carb. In the pic attached, I have scribbled in 4 blue arrows. 3 of them are pointing to some rectangular-looking tabs and the last arrow is near the center pointing down to a circular piece with an indent for a flathead. Do the tabs or that circular piece come out? If they don't, what gets removed? I'm trying to split up the top, middle, and bottom parts of the carb to clean each one. Thanks everyone!

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You do not remove those. They are permanently bradded on.
Okay makes sense. The top part of the carb is pretty stuck on so I wanted to see if I could remove anything else to make it even a little bit easier when gently tapping it with a rubber mallet to hopefully loosen it. Thanks guys
Okay makes sense. The top part of the carb is pretty stuck on so I wanted to see if I could remove anything else to make it even a little bit easier when gently tapping it with a rubber mallet to hopefully loosen it. Thanks guys
How many long screws did you remove? Should be 10! So many morons-when they say TQ's suck because they have a cracked or warped bowl. 99% of them didn't get the 2 screws in the choke horn and break them by beating on them. Glad you are asking!
I didn't even know about the two choke horn screws. I removed eight screws so far. Very glad I asked you guys. Those 8 were a huge pain to get off, they were very stuck. I hope the last two in the choke horn aren't absolutely seized. Thanks everyone!
I didn't even know about the two choke horn screws. I removed eight screws so far. Very glad I asked you guys. Those 8 were a huge pain to get off, they were very stuck. I hope the last two in the choke horn aren't absolutely seized. Thanks everyone!
If those screws were stuck the idle mixture screws might be too.
I was able to get one of the choke horn screws out and the second one I had to use a dremel to take the head off. Everything came apart after. I think 5 of the 10 screws snapped in the baseplate. Do you guys know the specs of those screws so that I can find out which drill and tap to use? Thanks!
If those screws were stuck the idle mixture screws might be too.
The idle mixture screws are stuck. I'll need to have someone hold down on the baseplate so that I can use both my hands on a flathead and try to loosen them.
The idle mixture screws are stuck. I'll need to have someone hold down on the baseplate so that I can use both my hands on a flathead and try to loosen them.
You'll twist the head off doing that so you'll need to drill them out...
Okay I'll do that, thanks. Do you know the specs of the 10 screws that hold everything together?
Sounds like you might be better off finding another baseplate. What is the carb number, I might have a better one. The screws are 30 in/lbs.
There is a 4 digit number somewhere on the base, I think on the top. can you get that to me I have one I think might work.
There is another 4 digit number cast into the top somewhere. I'll go out right away and look at one of my baseplates and let you know.
Okay as soon as I get back home, I'll take a look to see if I can find the 4 digit number cast into the top. It'll be in like 2 hours. Thank you!
I attached a photo of the baseplate. It's pretty rough. I circled in blue where I found a four digit number. The number is 2821. Let me know if that's the right number or if I should look somewhere else. Thanks!
